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Plan for the demo 1 Game: Peer to peer

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Presentation on theme: "Plan for the demo 1 Game: Peer to peer"— Presentation transcript:

1 Plan for the demo 1 Game: Peer to peer
Start game (peer 2) Join game (peer 1, 3) Fractal world, distributed computed Maximize and show that borders are still not opened - then let another peer go there, and scout. Collision detection with water. Peer 1 is my iBook, with HMT, and microphone

2 Plan for the demo 2 Head motion tracker movement Items
Peer 2 rejoins, peer 1 takes meat and sword. Hand over sword from peer 1 to peer 2 Attack - peer 2 uses sword on peer 1 Cure - peer 1 uses bacon to cure

3 Plan for the demo 3 Flexible interface Chat function
Pull out status bar, buttons, and item bar Chat function Peer to peer nature Leave game - hand over game (peer 2 to peers 1 and 3) Speech recognition Movement with speech Exit game

4 Multiplayer screenshot
Einfach ein SS mit 2-3 adventurers hinzufuegen

5 Fractal world Piece of world is still not calculated
Here other adventurer scouts the world, and new tiles are visible to our adventurer Piece of screen with not-calculated tile. Piece of screen with other adventurer shown there, where not calculated tiles were.

6 Hand over item He lays the key, so player 2 can pick it up
Player 1 got the key He lays the key, so player 2 can pick it up Player one and his inventory, players stay both near the sword, player 2 taken the sword Player 2 took the key

7 Attack and cure Player 1 has some meat so he can cure a bit damage
Player 2 attacks player 1 with the sword, hurting him Player shown with the status bar, at app. half life. Then shown with cursor on meat, and with bar 3/4 full. Bar is marked with red arrow

8 Flexible interface Just the pulled-out interface, with chat visible

9 Its all :o) Huge thanks to our entire team who allowed me to present this with their hard work.

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