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Figure 2- Involved hip flexed and passively adducted/internally rotated.

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Presentation on theme: "Figure 2- Involved hip flexed and passively adducted/internally rotated."— Presentation transcript:

1 Figure 1- Involved hip flexed and passively adducted/internally rotated.

2 Figure 2- Involved hip flexed and passively adducted/internally rotated.

3 Figure 3- Involved hip flexed and passively adducted/internally rotated.

4 Firgure 4- Freiberg test: forceful internally rotation of affected side elicits pain.

5 Firure 5- Beatty maneuever: patient lies on the uninvolved side and abducts the involved thigh upward which elicits pain.

6 Figure 6- Anterior posterior fluoroscopic image of piriformis muscle after contrast administration.

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