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CERN openlab for DataGrid applications Overview F.Fluckiger

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1 CERN openlab for DataGrid applications Overview F.Fluckiger

2 Where does it come from? Stems from desire to create a framework for
IT Division “R&D” in collaboration with Industry 01 MD’s initial proposal “Guiding Principles” formulated Enterasys, Intel, KPNQwest send Letter of Intent 02 1st Board of Sponsor (BoS) Annual Meeting KPNQwest Files for Bankruptcy Talks for a Storage component start HP joins openlab Management Unit created 03

3 What is it? “Agreement” framework for sponsorship
Current Guiding Principles 3-year commitment Minimum contribution: USD1.5M over three years Contributions may be a mix of In kind (HW, SW) In cash (then, CERN commits to use it for funding manpower)

4 What are we doing? “R&D” in its general sense
In practice: Evaluate and Integrate cutting edge solutions Focus: LCG in the medium/longer term Current Project: opencluster openlab framework opencluster project

5 opencluster See SJ’s after-C5 presentation on 07-03-03
Compute farm + storage system IA-64 IFPs + 10Gbps cards Intel Dual-processor systems HP (*) 10 Gbps switches Enterasys Storage system (file system + storage capacity) xxx (*) CERN joined Gelato: Federation to promote open-source Linux-IA-64 apps

6 Where are we? 02 First Enterasys switches delivered
6 HP (development) dual processors systems delivered Intel increase their contribution to 348 processors 03 32 HP (production) dual processors systems delivered 1ST Operational meeting with Sponsor engineers (theme: the 10Gbps challenge)

7 Management openlab Management Unit (oMU)
to provide a stable interface to sponsors to Integrate divisional efforts Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor Head W.v.Rüden Associate Head F.Fluckiger CTO S.Jarp Comm. & Dev. Officer F.Grey Liaison LCG D.Foster Liaison EDG tbc Liaison Enterasys J.M.Jouanigot Liaison HP, Intel S.Jarp Liaison Storage Sponsor D.Foster oMU

8 Resources and structure
Transversal structure + staff stay in their natural technical environment “R&D” not concentrated - Reporting channels; integration effort DI FF FG FIO HR ADC SJ Fell.1 Fell.2 CS JMJ MC

9 Is openlab something new?
Is it really different from past (DD/CN/IT) joint projects? today’s field test with industry? Not totally, but definite differences A common contractual framework A common technical objective Building something out of individual contributions Collaborative work between sponsor engineers

10 On sponsor expectations ..
GPs obligations Sponsors contribute resources CERN organize annual BoS meeting + write (public) annual report Sponsor’s current expectations Technical benefits Sponsor’s Initial expectations PR benefits “From Sponsorship to Partnership”

11 openlab development F.Grey reflecting on extending the openlab concept
to IT-related fields; e.g. Security Mobility to other fields (material, energy) Possible model openlab for DataGrid Applications framework opencluster project security project? Priority is to progress the first project (opencluster) whilst keeping the framework flexible enough to accommodate extensions learn from 1st project mobility project?

12 Assessment Positive factors Technical momentum
Positive feedback from sponsors

13 Assessment (cont) Factors to watch
Be useful to LCG (in the longer term): address relevant technical issues select right technologies / solutions Technical momentum to be maintained Solidify, obtain results before extending

14 More … openlab internal site from openlab public site

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