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Royal Society of London

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1 Royal Society of London
it was founded in 1662 A.D . Purpose: To improving scientific knowledge in England. The ideas of forming society for the scientific knowledge which emerged through Francis Bacon ( ) who worked under Britain king James I ( ). before the formation of Royal Society, two scientific bodies were found in England such as Invisible College in 1646 and The Philosophical Society of Oxford was founded in 1648 in Oxford.

2 Later these two association was called as 'Invisible Colleges'
These invisible colleges had no buildings, no faculty, and no resources and awarded no degrees. It was an informal associations. On 28th November 1660 the first journal of the Society was opened with memorandum, where they concluded to found a college for the promotion of physical, medical and experimental learning. The invisible Colleges became the Royal Society in July After the formation of the society undertook several scientist research and submitted findings in reports.

3 In March 1665, the Society began the publication of periodical called the 'Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society'. It laid a strong foundation for modern Science in England. It was oldest scientific society in Great Britain as well as oldest in Europe. It is the second oldest scientific periodical in the world.

4 French Royal Academy of Sciences
French Royal Academy of Sciences was established in Marin Mersenne ( ) was the correspondent of this academy. in 1636 Marin published a huge work in twelve volumes on 'Universal Harmony'. During the period of 1630s and 1640s gathered French Scientist and philosophers in Paris in order to hear the news of the scientific world. Gradually the habit of this gathered scientist and philosophers transformed into discussion group.

5 After the death of Mersenne also this discussion group’s activities was continued.
Claude Perrault, an Architect and Mathematician who suggested to Jean Colbert, the Minister of Finance to set up formal scientific academy in France. Jean Colbert brought matter to the attention of King Louis XIV. King agreed to establish an "Academy of Sciences". it consisted of 21 royal persons paid scientists as its members. in December 1666 the first meeting in the Royal Library, in Paris..

6 This academy played as centre of research and scientific experiments
This academy played as centre of research and scientific experiments. With the support of this academy they popularised scientific knowledge among their own country Later this academy allowed other country scientists like Benjamin Franklin (USA) and Albert Einstein (Germany) to join. in the eighteenth century the fame and achievements of the Royal Society and the French Royal Academy of Sciences were internationally recognised. further many European countries started to established their own scientific Academies.

7 These Academies often invited distinguished foreigners to demonstrate their discoveries.
in 1721 onwards the French Royal Academy of Sciences began to distributing the prizes for the scientist for their achievements. These Academies changed the blind beliefs and superstition with the scientific approach, which make the people to think scientifically.

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