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Test Lab Results Date Normal

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1 Test Lab Results Date Normal
Student name: Instructor: History of Present Illness: (A brief statement by the Doctor explaining what happened to the patient before they got to the hospital) Patient is a 85 year old male. He was admitted to USC VHH with COPD exacerbation. Patient presented as alert and oriented. He presents with PMH of COPD/Emphysema with chronic hypoxic respiratory failure on 4L of oxygen and HTN, who presented to the ER with symptoms of worsening shortness of breath. Patient stated that over Patient Education / Discharge Planning: (Barriers to education, learning goals, learning outcomes) (Home Vs Facility, services needed after discharge, adaptive equipment needed for home.) Waiting on acceptance to TCU Erikson’s Developmental Stage Related to Pt & APA citations Pathophysiology of Admitting Dx with APA references: COPD exacerbation Asthma HTN Cultural Considerations: Ethnicity, Occupation, Religion, Family Support, Financial Considerations. Caucasian Catholic Retired Lives in a single level home with wife Lives of the retirement that he and his wife get Patient has an adult son and daughter. Test Lab Results Date Normal WBC 15000 (High) 6/24/18 HbG 13.6 (Low) 12-16 CO2 35 mmol/L (High) BUN 30 mg/dL (High) Creatinine 0.6 mg/dL (Low) Sodium 132 mmol/L (Low) Chief Complaint Patient Information Worsening Shortness Breath Name: H.O. Age: 85 y.o. Gender: Male DPOA: No Living Will: Yes Ht: 175 cm Wt: 69.5 kg Previous Medical History: (How does the current diagnosis affect the pre-existing medical conditions) Admitting/Current Diagnoses: COPD exacerbation, Asthma Plan of Care: Previous Surgical History:

2 Priority Nursing Diagnosis #1 Outcome Goal #1
Objective Signs Priority Nursing Diagnosis #1 Impaired gas exchange related to chronic lung disease as evidenced by using accessory muscle, low , and CX-R Neurological A&O to Time, Place, Person, Purpose. Sensation is normal. Pain 5/10. PERRLA: Brisk. Glasgow Coma Scale: 15. Strength in grasp is Full power. Sensation, Hearing, Smell, Vision and Touch are normal Cardiovascular Skin color is pink and warm to touch. Cap. Refill is <3 sec. No peripheral edema. Peripheral pulses are present. Heart sounds RRR Respiratory Breath sounds are clear; diminished in RML, RLL and LLL. Breathing pattern is labored (SOB), no secretions are present. Pulse Oximeter is at 96% with N/C at 1 L/min Priority Nursing Diagnosis #2 Imbalanced nutrition, less than body requirements Vital Signs BP: 131/80 HR: 100 RR: 22 O2 Sat: 96% Temp: C Nutrition / Hydration Full liquid diet, feeds himself, at risk for aspiration, no N/V. Moist mucous membranes. No problem with skin turgor. Loss in weight for 32.3 kg. I&O: 2654/2000 GI Active bowel sounds. Abdomen is round and non-tender. Last BM was on 6/19 (constipation), symmetrical abdomen GU Clear and straw color urine, no catheter, no odor, no pain. No signs and symptoms of GU symptoms Rest / Exercise Barely ambulates, function level is with assistance and walker. Full ROM, steady gait. Sleep patterns are uninterrupted Outcome Goal #1 (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time bound) By the end of my shift, the patient will have improvement in gas exchange Outcome / Goal #2 Integumentary Endocrine Psychosocial Musculoskeletal Interventions #1 Evaluation #1 (start with “goal met” or “goal not met”) Evaluation #2 Interventions #2 . “Risk For” Interventions Keep bed in low position Position the call light within reach Position personal belongings within reach Assistive devices at bedside Room free of clutter Non-skid footwear provided Offer hydration & toileting while awake Provide education on Fall Prevention (Handout) Educate patient on risk factors and fall prevention “Risk For” Evaluation “Risk For” goal “Risk for” Diagnosis (problem r/t cause)

3 Medication Name, Dose, Route, Freq & APA Citation
Why Pt is Taking the Drug and Method of Action Side Effects Nursing Considerations Prednisone, 40 mg, PO, Daily Metoprolol, 25 mg, PO, Daily Theophylline, 160 mg, PO, Q8H Hydrochlorothiozide, 25 mg, PO, Daily Lisinopril, 20 mg, PO, Daily Ceftriaxone, 1 gr, IV, Q24H Fluticasone, 1 inhale, inhalant, BID Levalbuterol, 3 ml, HH Neb, Q6H Ipratropium, 2.5 ml, HH Neb, Q6H Enoxaparin, 40 mg, SQ, Daily

4 References: At least 3 references & Standard APA Format

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