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Modern C++ Pitfalls Mihai Todor

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1 Modern C++ Pitfalls Mihai Todor 09.04.2015
Disclaimer: This presentation is focused on C++11/14 features and assumes a basic understanding of C++

2 What are we trying to achieve?
Rigurous compile-time checks Compile once, run many times We have to be realistic, though Javascript doesn’t try very hard  Why does parseInt(1/0, 19) return 18?* *

3 Recap I Some funky template magic Move semantics Auto nullptr
Range-based for loops override and final Strongly-typed enums Lambdas Explicitly defaulted and deleted functions Smart pointers Some funky template magic

4 Recap II Template factory with type detection
Template factory with method detection There are some issues in these two examples!

5 decltype and std::declval
Standardized version of typeof Queries the return type of an expression Doesn’t evaluate its operand Perfect return type forwarding (C++14)* std::declval Obtains the type of an expression in an unevaluated context (inside decltype) Access to member functions without invoking constructors *

6 Let’s play with references*
std::remove_reference std::add_lvalue_reference std::add_rvalue_reference std::is_reference std::is_lvalue_reference std::is_rvalue_reference *See the <type_traits> header:

7 But why do we need to use std::declval anyway?
class Object {}; template <typename T> auto ReturnInput(T &input) -> decltype(T()) { return input; } Object obj; Can ReturnInput take obj as a parameter?

8 But why do we need to use std::declval anyway? – Part II
Object has a private default constructor and the expression inside declval needs to be valid! This will work: auto ReturnInput(T &input) -> decltype(std::declval<T>())

9 SFINAE Substitution Failure Is Not An Error
Applies during overload resolution of function templates Expression SFINAE (C++11) Removes functions from the list of overloads if the expression inside decltype is not valid* *

10 Why did I show you all of this?
Let’s get back to TemplateFactoryWithMethodDetection.cpp A real use case for method detection can be found here:

11 Default Template Arguments for Metod Templates
We can have template methods inside template classes Before C++11, they could not have default template arguments More details on StackOverflow* *

12 Range-based for loops References to certain contaier objects can be problematic

13 <algorithm> Pitfalls
std::lower_bound std::upper_bound std::equal_range std::binary_search They work on any sorted sequence container, including std::list! std::advance has O(N) complexity for non-random access* Detailed information here: *

14 make_shared and make_unique
Create new instances of shared_ptr and unique_ptr They address multiple issues: Improved performance Exception safety

15 See my activity on StackOverflow: /mihai-todor Follow me on: Linkedin: Github:

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