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What we are learning this week

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1 What we are learning this week
Pre-K News December 3-7 Theme: Creepy, Crawly Insects What we are learning this week Overview: Children learn about life science through the exploration of animals and animal life cycles. Big Idea: I am very curious about bugs. Reading/Language: Use verb tenses, speaks in complete sentences, makes relevant comments, uses and increases spoken vocabulary, extends a story, uses book info, asks and answers questions Math: Problem solving, compares lengths, identifies shape attributes, shapes in the real world, counts objects, problem solving, counts objects Social Emotional: Attention Science Explores living things Social Studies: participates in voting Letter and Number of the Week Announcements Dec. 3 ARTistico Express visits Gonzales & LeBlanc Dec 4 ARTistico Express visits Malone and Wyble Dec 5 Artistico Express visits Daniels and Bass Dec 13 Polar Express Day wear PJs Dec 14, 17, and 18 Early Dismissal 12:45 Ll 6 Tip of the Week Take a walk with your child in a park or your backyard, examining any insects you come across. Bring along a magnifier to get a closer look. Helpful Engaged Respectful On Task

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