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By Danielle Hurt, Samantha Thurman, and Megan Howell.

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2 By Danielle Hurt, Samantha Thurman, and Megan Howell

3 The Plain Indians hunted buffalo, deer, elk, bison, and antelope. Only men could hunt, women had to stay home. They used axes, spears, guns, arrows, tomahawks, and taggers. At the feasts the Plain Indians ate berries, cherries, wild greens, and wild prairie turnip with the meat.

4 The Plain Indians also had ceremonies. There are different types of ceremonies. Here are just some of the different types the medicine man, religious ceremonies, the sun dance, and the pow wow. Sometimes the ceremonies were to celebrate.

5 The women of the tribe were very important. They stayed home while the men went hunting, but when they got home from hunting the women had to skin the animals. Also while the men went hunting the women put up the teepees and made clothes. The children of the tribe learned from their mother. The boys learned to hunt from their fathers.

6 You may not want to think this but, the Plain Indians did sometimes die fighting and hunting. When one of the Plain Indians died they wrapped the dead body and placed it on a high scaffolding.

7 There were lots of children in the tribe. The children of the tribe played a lot. The boys at certain ages would go hunting with their fathers to learn. The little girls would watch their mother do things like putting up teepees, cooking, and making clothes. Before the children start learning from their parents they play games to help them learn.


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