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DIRECTIONS: Choose three squares in a row to make Tic-Tac-Toe!  

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Presentation on theme: "DIRECTIONS: Choose three squares in a row to make Tic-Tac-Toe!  "— Presentation transcript:

1 Friendly Letter/Email
DIRECTIONS: Choose three squares in a row to make Tic-Tac-Toe! MONDAY-WEDNESDAY: Complete at least one activity each night. Miss Hensel will check your spelling homework each day. THURSDAY: Complete a practice spelling test. Number your paper, have an adult read your spelling words aloud, and write each word one time. Check over the spellings each of your words together. Write any incorrect words three times each. Have the adult initial at the top of your practice test. FRIDAY: SPELLING TEST! Miss Hensel will collect your three Tic-Tac-Toe activities and your practice spelling test for a grade before the spelling test. Spelling List #8 11/27-12/1 Vowels & Consonants Write your words with red vowels and blue consonants. Creative Sentences Write a creative sentence for each word. Underline the spelling word in each sentence.  ABC Order Write your words three times each in alphabetical order. Spelling Story Write a story using all of your words. Be sure to underline your spelling words. 3 x Each Write each spelling word three times each.    Rainbow Words Write your words in pencil. Then trace over them with different colored pencils so that your words looks like a rainbow. Triangle Words Write each word in the form of a triangle until the word is spelled correctly.  Other-Handed  If you are right-handed, write all of your spelling words with your left hand. If you are left-handed, write all of your spelling words with your right hand. Friendly Letter/ Use all of your spelling words to create a friendly, pretend letter or . Underline your spelling words.  1. tennis 2. fossil 3. supper 4. suffix 5. puffin 6. sudden 7. puppet 8. button 9. carrot 10. dipper 11. knee 12. caught 13. together 14. there 15. their

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