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Judges Training.

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Presentation on theme: "Judges Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 Judges Training

2 Good Judges Make Good Contests

3 Qualifications Club Contest: Area/Division/District:
Member in Good Standing Area/Division/District: Member in Good Standing a Min. of 6 Months Completed at least 6 speeches in the CC Manual Not Competing

4 Before the Contest Attend Judges Briefing Bring a Pen
Read the Judging Form Sign the Ballot

5 Judges: Judge Evaluate

6 During the Contest Contestants Names on Ballot
Grading criteria - guideline Be Impartial Originality 75% First, Second and Third Place winner Break Own Ties Submit Your Signed Ballot

7 After the Contest Mums the Word Recycle Be Discreet


9 Chief Judge Training

10 Agenda What a Chief Judge Does Ballot Counting
In Preparation for the Contest Just Before the Contest During the Contest After the Contest Ballot Counting

11 In Preparation for the Contest
Learn the Contest Rules Recruit Judges # per Contest Gather Judges Eligibility Forms Get Contestant Eligibility and Originality Forms Who can Compete in the Contest Club in Good Standing Member in Good Standing Coordinate with the Toastmaster and Contest Chair

12 Current Year Changes New Form for Evaluation Contestant Notes
New Results Form Fees Cannot be Charged to Contestants or to Clubs to compete Eligibility –candidates Eligibility – Must be present to compete beyond the club level Eligibility – Resources Use of Props Changes to Taped Contest Rules International Speech Contest Rules (clarification)

13 Before the Contest Select a Counting Area/Room Conduct Briefings:
Tie-Breaker Judge Judges Timers Ballot Counters Brief the Judges Tie-Breaker Judge separate from the other judges Brief the Timers Read the Speech Contest Time Record Sheet Check to be sure that the timing equipment works Demonstrate the timing equipment for the contestants when asked to do so by the Toastmaster One timer runs the stopwatch and the other the timing device The timer with the stopwatch updates the Time Record Sheet Timing begins with the contestants first word or attempt to communicate Time one minute between each speech and signal the Toastmaster when the minute is up Circle or otherwise indicate on the time record sheet if there is a disqualification Put the completed time record sheet in an envelope and hand to the Chief Judge Brief the Ballot Counters Stand after the last speech and place yourself within vicinity of the judges Collect each ballot as the judge raises their envelope and hold up fingers to indicate how many ballots you have collected Follow the Chief Judge to the counting room once he/she indicates that all ballots have been collected Select a Counting Area/Room

14 During the Contest Before and During the Speeches
Brief the Audience Listen for Plagiarized or Unoriginal Material Ensure following of contest rules

15 During the Contest After the Speeches
Collect - Tie Breaker & Timer Announce All Ballots Collected Proceed to the Ballot Counting Area Supervise the Ballot Counting Hear any protests if any are raised Collect the Tie-Breaker Judge Ballot and Timers Worksheet Inform the Toastmaster when all the Ballots are Collected Lead the Ballot Counters to the Counting Area/Room Supervise the Ballot Counting and reflect if there is a disqualification and/or break the tie if one arises Hear any protests if any are raised Interview contestant with judges if originality is questioned Record all contestants in order on the Notification of Contest Winner Form 1182 (this goes to the Contest Chair of the next Contest) On separate piece of paper record in reverse order If 4 or fewer contestants the 1st and 2nd place contestant If more than 4 contestants the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place contestants Also record if there is a disqualification Return to the Contest Room as soon as possible so the contest can continue Once the results are read, discreetly dispose of all ballots and forms other than 1182 and the Eligibility and Originality Forms – keep until after next contest

16 During the Contest After the Speeches
Fill Out Notification of Contest Winner Form (Submit to the Contest Chair of the next Contest) Record Winners Return to the Contest Room Dispose of all ballots and forms Collect the Tie-Breaker Judge Ballot and Timers Worksheet Inform the Toastmaster when all the Ballots are Collected Lead the Ballot Counters to the Counting Area/Room Supervise the Ballot Counting and reflect if there is a disqualification and/or break the tie if one arises Hear any protests if any are raised Interview contestant with judges if originality is questioned Record all contestants in order on the Notification of Contest Winner Form 1182 (this goes to the Contest Chair of the next Contest) On separate piece of paper record in reverse order If 4 or fewer contestants the 1st and 2nd place contestant If more than 4 contestants the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place contestants Also record if there is a disqualification Return to the Contest Room as soon as possible so the contest can continue Once the results are read, discreetly dispose of all ballots and forms other than 1182 and the Eligibility and Originality Forms – keep until after next contest

17 Ballot Counting Ballot Counting Simulation

18 Remove any Disqualified Ballots
Write Judges Names down Left side of Counter’s Tally Sheet Write Contestants Names along Top of Counter’s Tally Sheet One counter reads the ballot, judge name, then contestant’s name, points received Another counter takes down what the reader says Third counter and you watch for errors Compute the Totals and Check: All rows should equal the same number and the last row should equal the last column)

19 Check for any disqualifications and cross them off the ballot.

20 If there is a tie, check your tie breaker ballot and the person listed the highest on that ballot is the winner of that tie.

21 Fill out the contest winner form and send it to the contest chair of the next level contest.
List all contestants that were not disqualified in order of place.

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