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Published byGlenna Rachman Modified over 5 years ago
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee Meeting Acting DG-Nolwazi Gasa
QUARTER 1 PERFORMANCE FOR Presentation to the Portfolio Committee Meeting Acting DG-Nolwazi Gasa Date: 09 September 2015
Outline of the Presentation
Performance information for Programmes 1 to 5 Human Resources: Filling of vacancies Financial Performance
Summary of Performance Information
Most of partially achieved targets have since been achieved
Key Achievements Programme 1 Clean Audit Opinion for 2014-15
All valid invoices (1 410) paid within 30 days of receipt of a valid invoice 65 of 65 designated employees submitted their financial interest within time frame Trained 26% of staff against the target of 10% Programme 2 Monitoring of the implementation of the Medium-Term Strategic Framework - all quarterly reports submitted to the Executive – displayed in the POA system Operation Phakisa Programme – ocean economy and health Siyahlola Presidential Monitoring Programme Monitoring of Distressed Mining Towns Programme 3 Scaling up of the Community Based Monitoring programme Management Performance Assessments
Key Achievements (2) Programme 3…
34 new facilities monitored by 30 June 2015 Presidential Hotline Quarterly update produced and published on DPME website Programme 4 Alignment of Strategic and APPs with the NDP Communicating the NDP via stakeholder engagements . A total of 14 engagements Programme 5 The development and launch of National youth Policy 2020
Addressing partially achieved targets
Capacity constraints – budget and people Vacancy rate – moved to fill vacancies, with high level appointments made recently Appointment of service providers for the evaluations Improvements monitoring of facilities is being addressed The Management Performance Assessment Tool (MPAT) and Frontline Service Delivery Monitoring (FSDM) reports have since been tabled at Cabinet Communication Plan approved in second quarter Youth quarterly reports to be produced regularly
PROG 1: Administration-Summary of Performance
Performance status Number of targets Percentage achievement Targets Achieved 8 57.14% Target Partially Achieved 3 21.43% Targets not Achieved Total 14 100%
PROG 1: Achieved Targets…..
Planned Annual Target 2015/16 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/Narrative Quarterly reports submitted to the Executing Authority, National Treasury (NT) and DPME within 30 days from the end of the quarter 4th quarter performance report for produced and approved by the Minister and submitted to NT and DPME 4th quarter performance report was produced and approved by the Minister and submitted to NT and DPME Produce Annual Report and submit AGSA for Audit and to NT and Parliament by due dates Produce AR and submit AGSA for Audit and to NT and Parliament by due dates Annual Report was produced and submitted to AGSA by due date Obtain an unqualified audit opinion and no material findings on financial statements annually Accurate annual financial statements compiled and submitted to the AGSA and to National Treasury (NT) by 31 May 2015 Annual Financial Statements submitted to National Treasury and the AGSA by 31 May 2015 DPME obtained a clean audit opinion for
PROG 1: Achieved Targets (2)
Planned Annual Target 2015/16 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/Narrative All valid invoices paid within 30 days Produce quarterly reporting showing trends of Payment of suppliers who submitted a valid invoice 1 410 of Number of valid Invoices (1 410/1 410 *100=100%) were paid within 30 days Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) approved by DG by 30 April 2015 Achieve 80% of targets in the WSP by the end of the financial year Produce WSP and submit to DG for approval 10% of WSP targets achieved WSP was produced and approved by the DG on the 30 April 2015 42 of 160 employees (42/160*100=26%) were trained by 30 June 2015
PROG 1: Achieved Targets (3)
Planned Annual Target 2015/16 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/Narrative Resolve all disciplinary cases with 90 days of the cases being initiated Conclude disciplinary cases within the stipulated time frames There were no disciplinary cases conducted in this reporting period 100% compliance in submission of financial interests by all designated employees within the specified time frames 100% 65 of 65 designated employees (65/65*100=100%) submitted their financial interests within specified time frame Produce 4 quarterly reports annually indicating 85% achievement of ICT systems standards on average during the course of the financial year 1 20 of 23 Applicable ICT systems standards achieved (20/23*100= 87%).
PROG 1: Targets Partially Achieved (1)
Planned Annual Target 2015/16 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/Narrative Deviation from planned target and intervention Conduct annual risk assessment/ review and produce a 3 year rolling strategic risk management plan. Produce annual risk implementation plan and quarterly risk implementation reports 4th quarterly risk assessment report submitted to Risk and Audit committee by 31 March 2015 Risk implementation plan for financial year 4th quarterly Risk Assessment Report was tabled to Risk Management & Audit Committee in June 2015 instead of March 2015 Risk Implementation Plan for financial year was approved in due dates The Risk Assessment Report & Risk Registers for 2015/16 financial year were only completed in May 2015 and tabled to both Risk & Audit Committee meeting in June 2015, Management Committee meetings NB- Risk Registers have been since been approved by the Risk Management Committee meeting
PROG 1: Targets Partially Achieved (2)
Planned Annual Target 2015/16 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/Narrative Deviation from planned target and intervention Produce a communication plan annually and report on its implementation within 30 days of end of each quarter of the financial year. Produce annual Communication Plan Implement 25% of activities and produce quarterly report Annual Communication Plan was produced But not approved by the DG Communication plan was not approved at the due date. The Plan was approved in the second quarter Achieve an average of 85% systems availability on annual basis measured by reports produced quarterly as generated by the system Business applications plan produced and approved by the CIO Produce a report indicating 20% achievement of targets in the business applications plan Business applications plan were not produced and approved by the CIO One activity report achieved under quarter 01 Delay in appointment of the development service providers Business applications plan to be produced and approved by the CIO in the next quarter
PROG 1: Targets Not achieved ….
Planned Annual Target 2015/16 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/ Narrative Deviation from planned target and intervention Maintain a vacancy rate of less than 10% annually 10% or less on average over the quarter 45 of 289 Vacancy rate (45/289*100=15.6%) 12 employees left the department which negatively affected the vacancy rate. All vacant positions are advertised without delay. Achieve an average of 85% systems availability on annual basis measured by reports produced quarterly as generated by the system Business applications plan produced and approved by the CIO Produced a report indicating 20% achievement of targets in the business applications plan Business applications plan were not produced and approved by the CIO One activity achieved under quarter 01 Delay in appointment of the development service providers Business applications plan to be produced and approved by the CIO in the next quarter
PROG 1: Targets Not achieved (2)
Planned Annual Target 2015/16 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/Narrative Deviation from planned target and intervention Produce a 3 year rolling strategic internal audit plan and submit to the Audit Committee for approval by 30 June 2015 Quarterly audit implementation reports approved by Executing Authority Develop 3 year strategic and annual plan and submit to Audit Committee for approval by 30 June 2015 The 3 year strategic and annual plan was developed but not approved by the Audit Committee by 30 June 2015 The 3 year strategic and annual plan were not approved due to delays in the finalisation of the risk registers and therefore no quarterly reports were produced
PROG. 2: Outcomes Monitoring and Evaluations (OME)
Performance status Number of targets Percentage achievement Targets Achieved 6 75% Target Partially Achieved 2 25 Total 8 100%
PROG 2: Achieved Targets
Planned Annual Target 2015/16 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/Narrative Produce 3 reports per outcome (42 reports) by 31 March 2016 1 14 Number of Outcome progress reports have been produced 3 reports for each outcome on the POA system (excluding outcomes for which the reports are classified) by 31 March 2016 12 outcomes reports 12 outcomes reports uploaded on the POA system Produce two Operation Phakisa Labs reports by 31 March 2016 The ideal clinic realisation and maintenance Lab report was produced and submitted to the Minister
PROG 2: Achieved Targets (2)
Planned Annual Target 2015/16 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/Narrative Produce an average of 80% of briefing notes on executive visits throughout the quarters of the financial year Produce an average of 80% of briefing notes on executive visits 2 profiles, 2 reports (1 report on Pomfret in North west is a follow-up progress report) and 1 briefing notes was produced on executive visits 5 of 5 Briefing notes (5/5*100=100%) Produce 3 briefing notes on the status of mining towns and labour sending areas 1 1 briefing note on the status of mining towns was produced
PROG 2: Partially Achieved Targets
Planned Annual Target 2015/16 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/Narrative Deviation from planned target and intervention Provide quality advice to political principals by preparing briefing notes on 75% of Cabinet memoranda and 100% of requests from political principals Produce 75% of briefing notes on Cabinet memoranda and 100% of briefing notes or reports on specific request received 29 of 42 Briefing Notes (29 /42 *100=69%) submitted Target missed by 6 %. Some briefing notes did not require briefing notes (those from DPME) 8 Service providers appointed for evaluations Service providers have been appointed for 2015 /2016 evaluations Delays in the finalisation of some evaluations. The has since been achieved
Performance Status Number of targets Percentage achievement Targets Achieved 7 58.33% Target Partially Achieved 5 41.67% Not achieved Total 12 100%
PROG 3: Achieved Targets…….
Planned Annual Target 2015/16 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/Narrative 3 monitoring reports submitted to FOSAD secretariat 3 times a year 1 1 monitoring report submitted to FOSAD 90 new facilities monitored and passed quality assurance with site monitoring reports captured on the M-drive by 31 March 2016 Approved visit schedule by 30 April Complete monitoring of 20 new facilities by 30 June 2014 Approved visit schedule by 30 April 2015 34 new facilities monitored by 30 June 2015 Produce 4 cases studies by end of financial year Produce and publish 1 quarterly update, including impact stories from users by end June 2015 Presidential Hotline Quarterly update produced and published on DPME website Produce customer satisfaction survey reports by end of each quarter Produce and submit 1 customer satisfaction report by 15 July 2015 Customer satisfaction report was produced and submitted by 15 July 2015
PROG 3: Achieved Targets (2)
Planned Annual Target 2015/16 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/Narrative Citizen-based monitoring (CBM) implemented in 10 new facilities per annum and reports produced for each of the sites Inception of CBM in 10 new pilot facilities CBM progress report for 10 new pilot facilities Two CBM learning events convened Evaluation of CBM programme completed One learning publication uploaded to DPME website by 30 June 2015 Revise planning and M&E capacity development strategy and implementation plan and submit to DDG: IPME for approval Develop an Integrated M&E Capacity Development Strategy and implementation plan, approval by DDG by 30 June 2015 The integrated strategy and implementation of M&E capacity development plan was developed and approved by the acting DDG by 30 June 2015
PROG 3: Partially Achieved Targets…….
Planned Annual Target 2015/16 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/Narrative Deviation from planned target and intervention MPAT report submitted to Cabinet by end June 2015 Consolidated 2014 MPAT report submitted to Cabinet by end of June 2015 A consolidated report for 2014 MPAT has been drafted but not submitted to Cabinet for approval The report could not be finalised due to delays in the development of case studies by WITS School of Governance. The MPAT report has since been tabled at Cabinet. 8 case studies on good practice departments by end June 2015 Document 8 case studies on good practice departments per key performance area by end June 2015 and publish on website Document 8 case studies on good practice departments per key performance area by end June 2015 was not finalised and published on the website Delay as a result of the finalisation of the research methodologies and focus of the case studies with WITS
PROG 3: Partially Achieved Targets…….
Planned Annual Target 2015/16 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/Narrative Deviation from planned target and intervention 120 Approved list of facilities for improvements monitoring by 30 April Annual schedule of planned dates Improvements monitoring of 20 facilities by 30 June 2015, with quality assured reports placed on the M-drive List of facilities for improvements monitoring and annual schedule of planned dates was approved by 30 April 2015 Improvements Monitoring of 9 facilities has been completed by 30 June 2015 9 of the 20 targeted Facilities were monitored for improvements The remaining facilities will be monitored in the coming quarters
PROG 3: Partially Achieved Targets (2)
Planned Annual Target 2015/16 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/Narrative Deviation from planned target and intervention FSDM national overview report submitted to Cabinet by end of June of 2015, covering the visits from the previous year FSDM findings mid-year report for each years’ visits produced and distributed to 9 provinces and 8 departments by 30 November 2015 FSDM national overview report was tabled at G&A working session but not submitted to Cabinet The FSDM report was not submitted to Cabinet by end of June of 2015 The report has since been tabled in Cabinet
PROG 3: Partially Achieved targets (3)
Planned Annual Target 2015/16 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/Narrative Deviation from planned target and intervention Produce quarterly reports showing achievement of at least 80% of targets in the Capacity Development Implementation Plan Produce 1 progress report showing 20% achievement of targets in the Capacity Development Implementation Plan 04 of 24 activities (4/24*100 = 17%) were achieved in the Capacity Development Implementation plan submitted There is a need to communicate Capacity Development work to internal and external stakeholders This has since been done in the current quarter
Performance status Number of targets Percentage achievement Targets Achieved 5 100% Target Partially Achieved 0% Not achieved Total
PROG 4: Achieved Targets
Planned Annual Target 2015/16 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/Narrative 3 research projects commissioned by end of financial year (Demographic, Social Protection and Education ) Income Dynamic Studies (NIDS) wave 4 results produced by end of financial year Terms of reference for one research study compiled Terms of Reference have been concluded for a demographic study Support provided to the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform (DRDLR) on the development of a sector plan, namely: Draft Spatial Development Framework developed by end of March 2016 Develop a road map for National Spatial Planning Framework (NSDF) compilation and consultation A road map for National Spatial Planning Framework (NSDF) was developed and compiled as planned. Produce Annual Report on stakeholder engagements and the work of the NPC on the NDP and submit to the NPC by end of March 2016 Produce quarterly activity report Quarterly activity report was produced for 14 public engagements.
PROG 4: Achieved Targets (2)
Planned Annual Target 2015/16 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/Narrative Guideline issued by 15 May 2015 on Assessment reports on the second draft Annual Performance Plan and/or Strategic Plan 1 Guidelines and letters sent to National departments Guideline issued by 15 May 2015 on Assessment reports on the second draft Annual Performance Plan and/or Strategic Plan Guidelines and letters sent to Office of the Premiers, 9 provinces
PROG 5: National Youth Development
Performance status Number of targets Percentage achievement Achieved 0% Target Partially Achieved 1 100% Not achieved Total
PROG 5: Partially Achieved Targets
Planned Annual Target 2015/16 First Quarter Targets Actual Achievement/Narrative Deviation from planned target and intervention Submit youth policy to Cabinet and produce Shareholder compact by March 2016 Produce 4 monitoring oversight reports a month after the end of each quarter Produce annual shareholder compact and 1 report quarterly monitoring report The shareholder compact was produced but no quarterly report Quarterly report was not produced The report will be produced in the next quarter
Number of targets 40 65% Targets Achieved 26 Target Partially Achieved 11 28% Targets not Achieved 3 7%
Filling of posts As at end August 2015, 262 posts were filled out of 312 funded posts (84% filled) To date, date 264 posts are filled out of 312 funded posts (85%) Movement in the department for the three months is reflected below: April May June Approved Funded Posts 289 Filled Posts at the end of the month 240 242 244 Vacancy Rate 17% 16.3% 15.6% Appointments 3 2 4 Exits 1 Internal Promotions / Transfers 6
Filling of posts continued….
50 posts were vacant as at 31 August 2015 12 of the 50 posts are positions that have been previously filled in the department. However, due to staff turnover and internal promotions/transfers these posts became vacant 25 of the 50 vacant posts were new posts All new posts had been advertised, however the high vacancy rate is as a result of the following: Due to the merger of the NPC and DPME there was a need to re-scope positions as they became vacant and these posts had to be evaluated before advertised New positions in corporate services were created to ensure adequate support to address the transfer of the NPC, Ministry and Deputy Ministry Delays in the JE process for posts in corporate services that require DPSA approval (salary level 9/10/11/12) Delays in pre-employment security screening by the SSA Difficulty in finding suitable candidates for specialist posts resulting in head-hunting processes after the normal recruitment process was unsuccessful which causes a delay in the filling of such posts
2015/16: Quarter 1 Expenditure
2014/15 2015/16 Per Programme % Spent Main Appr. Q1 Drawings Q1 Exp. Q1 Exp. As % of drawings Unspent Q1 Drawings 1. Administration 99.2% 70 872 16 290 13 056 80.1% 3 234 2. OME 94.0% 85 604 20 586 16 182 78.6% 4 404 3. IPM&E 98.2% 59 566 14 040 12 754 90.8% 1 286 4. Planning 80.2% 88 197 35 352 6 216 17.6% 29 136 5. Youth 100.0% 100.1% -96 TOTAL 96.6% 80.8% 37 964 Per Economic Classification Current Payments 91.6% 86 175 48 358 56.1% 37 817 Compensation 93.3% 41 339 35 629 86.2% 5 710 Goods and Services 89.9% 44 836 12 729 28.4% 32 107 Interest / rent on land 0.0% - Transfer payments -69 Capital Assets 3 409 624 409 65.5% 215 Financial Assets
2015/16 Quarter 1 Expenditure Reasons for under-expenditure of R37.9m:
R19m payment for the National Income Dynamic Study (NIDS – Programme 4) – Invoice was received in Quarter 2 and paid Normal staff turnover. DG post and 2 DDG posts vacant (2 DDG posts have since been filled) Expenditure in Programme 4 affected by end of term of National Planning Commission – New Commissioners likely to be appointed in September 2015 Some ICT and Evaluation projects behind schedule
2015/16 Quarters 1+2 Expenditure
2015/16 Budget Monitoring
2015/16 Expenditure Summary Department spent 99.5% of budget in 2013/14 and 96.6 % in 2014/15 Expenditure in Programme 4 (National Planning) will increase once new commissioners have been appointed Some ICT projects planned for 2016/17 will be brought forward to absorb savings
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