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Case presentation Int:雲智謙 99.xx.xx.

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Presentation on theme: "Case presentation Int:雲智謙 99.xx.xx."— Presentation transcript:

1 Case presentation Int:雲智謙 99.xx.xx

2 Name: Gender: Age: Chart No. : Date of admission:2010/xx/xx

3 Chief complaint

4 Present illness The …

5 Present illness The …

6 Present illness The …

7 Present illness The …

8 Present illness The …

9 Present illness The …

10 Present illness The …

11 Past history DM: HTN: HBV/HCV: denied CVA CAD Asthma: denied
Other systemic disease: denied Hospitalization history: denied

12 PE Consiousness: clear GCS: E4 V5 M6
Vital sign:BP: / mmHg, PR: bpm, RR: cpm, BT: ℃ Sclera: , conjuctiva: Neck: Supple, Lymphadenopathy(-) Chest: Inspection: symmetrical expansion Auscultation: Bil. clear breathing sound, crackles(-) , regular heart sound, murmur(-) Abdomen: Extremities: pitting edema(-), ecchymosis(-),

13 NE – high cortical function
JOMAC Judgement: fair Orientation: to 人 : fair to 時 : fair to 地 : fair Speech: dysarthria(-) Language: Fluency: ok, Repetition:ok, Comprehension:ok, Naming:ok

14 NE – cranial nerves I: smell: not test II: VA: not test VF: not test
II+III: light reflex R't / L't ( +/ + ) ( 3.0 mm/ 3.0 mm) III+IV+VI: 0─┼x┼─ ─┼x┼─0 V: sensation: light touch: fair thermal: fair pin-prick: fair motor: masseter、temporalis: fair V+VII: corneal reflex: fair VII: no facial palsy VIII:no hearing impairment

15 NE- cranial nerves IX+X: uvula deviation: central position
gag reflex: fair XI: trapezius: fair SCM: fair XII: tongue deviation: no deviation

16 NE – muscle tones and powers
Muscle tone: upper normal lower increased Muscle power Right Left Upper extremities Lower extremities

17 NE - DTR DTR right left biceps ++ ++ triceps ++ ++ brachilis ++ ++
knee achillis Barbinski sign: dorsal- flex dorsal-flex

18 NE – sensory function pin-prick: bilateral lower limbs numbness
light touch: bilateral lower limbs numbness vibration: bilateral lower limbs numbness position sense: bilateral poor

19 NE – motor function

20 Lab data

21 Lab data

22 Available image MR

23 Different diagnosis r/o

24 Tentative Diagnosis

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