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Miniconference on the Mathematics of Computation

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1 Miniconference on the Mathematics of Computation
MTH 210 Introduction Dr. Anthony Bonato Ryerson University

2 Course outline Course schedule

3 Course agreement The goal of this course is to offer a meaningful, rigorous, and rewarding experience to every student; you will build that rich experience by devoting your strongest available effort to the class. You will be challenged and supported. Please be prepared to take an active, patient, and generous role in your own learning and that of your classmates. (c/o Federico Ardila)

4 How to be successful in this course
Attend each lecture and lab. Complete all suggested homework. Review lecture notes and rewrite them as needed. Study weeks, not days, before tests. Three hours of study for each one hour of lecture. Ask your prof or TA if you get stuck. Approach learning as fun. You are ultimately responsible for your own learning.

5 Discrete Mathematics

6 Discrete vs continuous mathematics Discrete math:
graphs, integers, sequences, sums Continuous math: functions, real numbers, series, integrals

7 Graph theory and networks

8 Graph theory in the era of Big Data
web graph, social networks, biological networks, bitcoin networks, …

9 Combinatorics

10 Some things are easy to count
Combinatorics: the science and art of counting Some things are easy to count for eg, number of elements of {a,b,c,d} Others are not number of non-isomorphic graphs of order 10

11 Number theory

12 Number theory studies integers
Modular arithmetic Equations with integer solutions: Diophantine equations Prime numbers

13 Tools

14 Induction Pigeonhole principle Combinations Asymptotics


16 A curious sequence

17 Can you guess the next one?

18 Look and say sequences read off each digit in succession, counting the number of time it occurs, or its frequency for example, “21” is read as: “one 2, and one 1” resulting in the sequence 1211

19 Properties of look-and-say sequences
They always end in 1. They begin with 1 or 3, except for the third sequence 21. The sequence 22 is stable, in the sense that it never changes. Their digits are either 1, 2, or 3.

20 Conway’s constant A remarkable thing about look-and-say sequences: they grow predictably in size: the number of digits in the (n+1)th term is about times the number of digits in the nth term. In particular, the ratio of two successive terms is a constant, which is now called λ or Conway’s constant.

21 John Conway Conway describes look-and-say sequences as “…the stupidest problem you can conceivably imagine leading to the most complicated answer you can conceivably imagine.”

22 Where does λ come from? λ is an algebraic number that is the unique real root of a polynomial of degree 71:


24 Miniconference on the Mathematics of Computation
MTH 210 Introducing graphs Dr. Anthony Bonato Ryerson University

25 a graph G=(V(G),E(G))=(V,E) consists of a nonempty set of vertices or nodes V, and a set of edges E
write edges: uv for vertices u and v say u and v are adjacent vertices edges

26 Relations we can think of edges as a binary relation on vertices

27 Drawings we can also think of graphs by their drawing
but a graph can have many drawings

28 Loops edges of the form uu for a vertex u are loops

29 Simple graphs edge sets in general graphs are multisets
graphs without multiple edges or loops are simple

30 Notation if uv is an edge, u and v are called endpoints
the edge uv is said to be incident with u and v multiple edges are called parallel

31 Digraphs in directed graphs (digraphs) E need not be symmetric

32 A directed graph

33 number of nodes: order, |V|
number of edges: size, |E|

34 Real World Graphs

35 The web graph nodes: web pages edges: links
over 1 trillion nodes, with billions of nodes added each day

36 Example: On-line Social Networks (OSNs)
nodes: users on some OSN edges: friendship (or following) links maybe directed or undirected Anthony Bonato - The web graph

37 Example: Co-author graph
nodes: mathematicians and scientists edges: co-authorship undirected

38 Example: Co-actor graph
nodes: actors edges: co-stars Hollywood graph undirected

39 Example: protein interaction networks
nodes: proteins in a living cell edges: biochemical interaction undirected Introducing the Web Graph - Anthony Bonato

40 Bitcoin graph nodes: users edges: transactions or protocols

41 small world property Nuit Ryerson Blanche City of Toronto Four Seasons
Hotel Frommer’s Greenland Tourism small world property

42 Exercises

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