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Gravity & Motion Astronomy.

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Presentation on theme: "Gravity & Motion Astronomy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gravity & Motion Astronomy

2 Kepler’s Laws of Motion
First- Planets move in elliptical orbits around Sun Foci- Two fixed points in an ellipse Major axis- Maximum diameter of ellipse Semimajor axis- Half of major axis Eccentricity- Ratio of distance between foci and major axis Perihelion- Planet is nearest Sun Aphelion- Planet farthest from Sun

3 Second- Planets move like there is an imaginary line connected to the Sun
Third- Squares of sidereal periods of planets is proportional to cubes of semi-major axes Sidereal period- Time for planet to complete one orbit around Sun

4 Galileo Mathematician by choice
Experimented with gravity by dropping objects Air resistance determines speed Once an object is in motion, it will remain in motion unless acted upon

5 René Descartes Believed that all changes in motion due to “corpuscles”
Inertial motion- Motion when there are no unbalanced forces acting on object

6 Early planetary motion
Aristotle & Ptolemy- planetary bodies located on crystalline spheres Robert Hooke- knew about Sun’s force on planets Central force- Force acting on a center of motion

7 Gravity What is gravity?


9 Sir Isaac Newton Brilliant man with numerous discoveries, but needed a little push Wrote Principia about planetary orbits and gravity Newton’s three laws:

10 Law of Inertia An object at rest remains at rest unless acted upon by unbalanced force Inertia- Resistance to changes in motion Velocity- Speed and direction of an object Acceleration- rate velocity changes with time Mass- Measure of inertia of a body Momentum- Mass multiplied by velocity (direction & magnitude)

11 Law of Force When an unbalanced force acts upon an object, it produces a change in momentum in the direction in which the force acts Force- A push or pull

12 Law of Action & Reaction
When one body exerts a equal and opposite force on another body, the second body also exerts a force on the first.

13 Orbital Speed and Energy
Kinetic energy Gravitational potential energy

14 Tides Distortions in shape resulting from tidal forces
Tidal forces- differences in gravity in an object being attracted to another Solid Earth (Terrestrial) tides- Distortion due to moon & Sun 22 inches at equator (5.9 in due to Sun) Generate currents in conducting fluid within Earth [magnetic field] Ocean tides- Tidal acceleration causes vertical and horizontal movement Spring- Unusually high or low Neap- Weak tides

15 The day gravity reversed itself…

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