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Colony Review.

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Presentation on theme: "Colony Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colony Review

2 Colonial Regions Map New England (North)
-New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut Rhode Island Middle -New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey Southern -Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia

3 Major Industry New England -shipbuilding, forestry, fishing, whaling
Middle -grain (Breadbasket), iron Southern -plantations, cash crops, slavery, indigo, rice, tobacco

4 Geography New England -cold, hills, rocky Middle Water
-mixed landscape, some fertile soils Southern -fertile soil, coastal plain Water -transportation -rivers, harbours Appalachian Mountains -natural western border

5 William Penn -King James II owed money -Quaker -religious tolerance
-non-violent -Pennsylvania (Penn’s Woods)

6 Roger Williams & Anne Hutchinson
-banished from Massachusetts Bay -Established Rhode Island -No state church -Williams=Separatist -Hutchinson=Puritan

7 Lord Baltimore -established Maryland -safe haven for Catholics

8 Thomas Hooker -established Connecticut -Fundamental
Orders of Connecticut -1st written democratic Constitution -(voting)

9 James Oglethorpe -established Georgia -prison reformer
-buffer between English colonies/Spain -criminals and poor accepted -haven for religious persecuted (Jews, Lutherans) -fair treatment of Native Americans -opposed slavery

10 Explain the meaning of each line of the song.

11 Representative Government
House of Burgesses -representative legislature -1619 -Why would this be a good form of government? Would you rather have King or a Legislature?

12 Checks and Balances -one person or group cannot have too much power
-President vetoes Congress and appoints judges -Judges determine legality of laws and stay for life -Congress writes laws and approves appointments

13 Mercantilism -Purpose of colonies is to make money for England
raw materials colonies England manufactured goods

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