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April 2009 doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 November 2014

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Presentation on theme: "April 2009 doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 November 2014"— Presentation transcript:

1 April 2009 doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 November 2014 IEEE Regulatory SC DSRC Coexistence Tiger Team Summary of activities since Sep F2F Date: Authors: Jim Lansford, CSR Technology Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

2 April 2009 doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 November 2014 Abstract Summary of activities in the IEEE (Regulatory Standing Committee) DSRC Coexistence Tiger Team since the September F2F in Athens, Greece. Jim Lansford, CSR Technology Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

3 November 2014 Background FCC allocated 75MHz of spectrum in the 5.9GHz band ( MHz) for Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) in October 1999  In FCC NPRM (13-49), the FCC requested comments on a potential sharing of the DSRC band, to understand if a feasible sharing solution that protects DSRC users could be developed. DSRC would remain as a primary user of the band The new band would be designated U-NII-4 802.11ac could be modified to operate in this new UNII-4 band if approved by the FCC FCC did not specify the framework or etiquette by which band sharing would occur Jim Lansford, CSR Technology

4 Work to date Objectives of the group Possible work items Final report
November 2014 Work to date Objectives of the group    Create a document that describes and quantifies possible coexistence mechanisms between DSRC and extensions of the base standard in the proposed UNII-4 band, if the FCC allows such band sharing in a future R&O. Possible work items    > Review of ITS/DSRC field trials    > Review of work to date on coexistence > Presentations on use cases > Presentation of possible coexistence approaches    > Modeling/simulation of possible coexistence approaches    > Testing, field trials, and presentation of results from proposed prototype approaches Final report > Includes outputs from all work items > One or more “snapshots” (summary of work to date) will be provided to FCC * First snapshot in mid-January Jim Lansford, CSR Technology

5 Activities since September F2F
November 2014 Activities since September F2F Presentation on “A response to the re-channelization proposal” – John Kenney (Toyota ITC): 05 Sept 2014 (completed after F2F) Agenda: Presentation: Minutes: Presentation on “DSRC Band Plan Rationale” – Jim Arnold (USDoT): 10 October 2014 Agenda: Presentation: Minutes: Approval tabled Also reviewed “Future Plans” presentation from Athens (doc 14/1261) Jim Lansford, CSR Technology

6 Motion to approve minutes
November 2014 Motion to approve minutes Shall the Regulatory Standing Committee approve the minutes of the DSRC Coexistence Tiger Team from the conference call on October 3rd (document 14/1347r0)? Moved by: Jim Lansford Second: John Notor Approved by unanimous consent Note: The DSRC Coex TT minutes from calls on September 5 and 26 were approved by the TT by unanimous consent. Jim Lansford, CSR Technology

7 Future Work Anticipated Work Going Forward
November 2014 Future Work Anticipated Work Going Forward Additional presentations on existing proposal(s) At least one Possible compromises? Final report outline Background Proposed approaches Pros and cons of each Next steps – field testing Summary INCLUDE STRAW POLL Roll call of attendees (straw poll is for any participant – not just voters) Could ask for Y/N/A on each proposal Other options? (Y/N/A for overall report?) Submit final report to REG SC for approval Jim Lansford, CSR Technology

8 References DSRC Summary November 2014
FCC NPRM (changes to 5GHz band rules, including proposed UNII-4 band): FCC Comments FCC Reply Comment framework document FCC Comments survey FCC Reply Comments Letter to FCC OET from IEEE 802 regarding DSRC Coexistence Tiger Team activities   DSRC Summary Jim Lansford, CSR Technology

9 November 2014 References (2/2) IEEE submissions on DSRC (since p was ratified) Bold text indicates proposal submissions Jim Lansford, CSR Technology

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