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Automobile Insurance **The primary purpose of auto insurance is to protect you from potential liability claims in the event that you cause an accident.

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Presentation on theme: "Automobile Insurance **The primary purpose of auto insurance is to protect you from potential liability claims in the event that you cause an accident."— Presentation transcript:

1 Automobile Insurance **The primary purpose of auto insurance is to protect you from potential liability claims in the event that you cause an accident. **All car insurance policies will carry a premium and a deductible. Deductible- -A specified amount of money you must pay before your insurance company will pay a claim. *A lower deductible means you pay a higher premium every month. *A higher deductible means you pay a lower premium every month.

2 If you have a $250 deductible and then have a wreck causing $4300 in damage
To your car, how much will you pay out of pocket? $250 How much will your insurance company pay? $4050

3 Factors Affecting Insurance Rates
Age Driving Record Gaps in Insurance Coverage Value or Reliability of Car Location a. high crime areas b. highly populated areas 6. Annual Mileage

4 Liability insurance is mandatory in most states.
Two Types of Liability Insurance Bodily Injury Liability -does NOT cover you -covers injuries or death of others caused by you -medical bills, loss wages, pain and suffering b. Property Damage Liability -does NOT cover your property -damages you cause to another’s car -vehicles, houses, fences, shrubs, trees, etc.

5 What does “$100,000/$300,000” in bodily injury mean?
$100,000 per individual $300,000 per accident If you had this amount of coverage and you injured six people, how Much would your insurance pay out to each person? $300,000/6 people= $50,000 each person **You may have to pay from your own pockets if you don’t carry enough coverage.

6 Comprehensive Coverage- -covers incidents other than collision such as
fire, theft, floods, earthquakes, tornados, etc. **Carry a higher deductible on comprehensive to save on monthly premiums.

7 Collision Coverage- -Pays for damage to your vehicle.
- -Not really worth it if you drive a low value car.

8 Uninsured Motorists Coverage- -covers repairs for your car when hit by someone without insurance.

9 **Create a public service announcement poster that will bring attention to the need for one of the types of insurance coverage. -Picture(s) -Color -Clear Message

10 Bodily Injury Liability Property Damage Liability Comprehensive Coverage
Hunter B Lauren F Cynkendric Corey Alicia Shelby Caden Alex Christopher Hailey Joshua Lauren K Hunter B Elijah Ashton Collision Uninsured Motorists Full Coverage Kenneth Emery Kaitlyn Kelly Mary Amy Jarvis Noah Logan Jordan Lydia Devon Olivia Sydney








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