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How to thin out Node Points, Component Labels, & Change Font Size.

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2 How to thin out Node Points, Component Labels, & Change Font Size.
Thin out Node Pts and others How to thin out Node Points, Component Labels, & Change Font Size. How to thin out the amount of Node Points, Component Labels, and Change Font Size. Any Piping Analysis can become over loaded with Node Points, and the User will be unable to see the model with clarity: Reducing the amount of Node Points, & Component Labels allows the user to see the model with greater clarity. Reducing the amount of Node Points, & Component Labels allows the Piping Isometric to be printed out and read easier. Reducing the amount of Node Points, & Component Labels allows any CLIENT to visualize the Piping Isometric with greater ease.

3 Thin out Node Pts and others
Note the file (Main Line Block Valve), Mlbv_Example_1 has many Node Points. Node Points are excessive.

4 Thin out Node Pts and others
Note how blowing up the model does not help due to excessive Node Points. Note how blowing up the model does not help due to excessive Node Points.

5 Note how I selected the 24” bypass line to thin out the Node Points.
Thin out Node Pts and others Note how I selected the 24” bypass line to thin out the Node Points.

6 Follow the Steps Thin out Node Pts and others Setup.
Graphic Preferences. Node and Component Labels.

7 Under Node Labels, Select Thin Out Display.
Thin out Node Pts and others The “Show All” button means exactly what it says, that is Show All of your Node Pts. Or Component Labels. While “Show None” means exactly what it says, that is Show None of your Node Pts. Or Component Labels. Note how the User can Thin Out Display, or Thin Out the Component Labels. If the User wants to change the Font Size of the Print the slide bar can be used to change the Font Size.

8 Thin out Node Pts and others
Note the Result. After. Before.

9 Thin out Node Pts and others
For more details please contact: 6219 Brittmoore Road Houston, Texas U.S.A. Voice: Fax: :

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