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Global vs Local Alignment

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Presentation on theme: "Global vs Local Alignment"— Presentation transcript:

1 Global vs Local Alignment
Jasmin sutkovic – Bioinformatics Lab 3

2 What is the difference?

3 Global Alignment Compare the whole sequence, from one end to another, with our query sequence in order to find the best overall alignment

4 Local Alignment Compare only parts of the sequence with our query in order to get the best local alignments

5 Examples of Algorithms
Global alignment: Needleman-Wunsch Local alignment: Smith-Waterman

6 Example

7 When do we use one and when the other?

8 Global Aligment When we want to compare the whole sequences or genes
Usually when we are working with homologus genes

9 Local Alignment When we want to compare only parts of sequences or genes Usually when we are working with nonhomologus genes When we want to find the same/simillar protein domains in different genes








17 Thank you for your attenuation 

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