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An independent funder working to help people overcome disadvantage and lack of opportunity, so that they can realise their potential and enjoy fulfilling.

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Presentation on theme: "An independent funder working to help people overcome disadvantage and lack of opportunity, so that they can realise their potential and enjoy fulfilling."— Presentation transcript:

1 An independent funder working to help people overcome disadvantage and lack of opportunity, so that they can realise their potential and enjoy fulfilling and creative lives. Sam Smith, Artist Maker at Project Artworks Photo: Project Artworks

2 Widening access & participation in the arts
We believe in the enduring power of the arts as a force for change, enriching people’s lives and communities. Through the Access and Participation Fund, we support organisations that have ambitious plans to widen access to and deepen participation in the arts. Our emphasis is on addressing inequalities of opportunity and creating space to step back and look at the systemic problems preventing participation. Improving people’s education & learning through the arts For many young people the only opportunity to gain access to arts education is at school. Through the Arts-based Learning fund we support the arts and cultural sector to work effectively with schools, while our Teacher Development Fund focuses on helping teachers to develop their own skills to deliver art and embed learning through arts in the primary curriculum. Showing that the arts make a difference to people’s lives The evidence base for the value and impact of the arts in people’s lives is weak. Through the Arts Evidence Development Fund we are contributing to better evidence, working with others to collect and share evidence that helps to explain the difference the arts can make to people’s lives and communities.

3 Multi-Story Orchestra presents performances in unexpected settings
Photo: Ambra Vernuccio

4 Evidence & impact A funding culture that reflects values
Individual experiences of arts and culture at the heart of cultural value – not just impact on cities, economy, jobs, health, etc. Capacity to be economically innovative Small-scale arts assets and activities helping communities & neighbourhoods More attention to how people experience their engagement to culture

5 Philharmonia’s Orchestra’s Universe of Sound, an immersive ten-room virtual orchestra Photo: Philharmonia Orchestra


7 School leader observes film and literacy work in the classroom as part of the Teacher Development Fund pilot. Photo: Into Film.


9 Fevered Sleep ‘Men and Girls Dance’
Photo: Benedict Johnson

10 Current trends Innovation coming from ‘unusual suspects’ in the third sector Less linear careers for artists, with an increasing lack of engagement with the subsidised sector - a new kind of ‘portfolio career’ A increased demand for artists working in participation setting and a relative lack of training provision A disjoint between arts and culture providers and the third sector – yet these institutional links were at the centre of some of the success stories we know of (e.g. Our Museum & Circuit) Arts and culture as key enablers in youth or migration work

11 Paul Hamlyn Foundation 5–11 Leeke Street – London WC1X 9HY

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