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About Shanghai World Financial Centre

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1 About Shanghai World Financial Centre
Architect: Kohn Pedersen Fox Date Completed: 2008 Height: 492 Meters – 101 floors Materials: Steel, concrete and glass


3 Burji Karlifa

4 Hong Kong Airport

5 Olympics 2008, Beijing

6 So what do all these buildings have in common???
Someone even 500 years ago PLANNED the construction process However as the building process have evolved so has planning process. But basic principles are the same.

7 A series of small tasks , steps or small projects.
Planning definition Thinking ahead ! A large task or project is what????? A series of small tasks , steps or small projects. Our job is to take the finished project work backward and define what these steps or task are.

8 Basic planning thinking
What do I have to do before I can start this task. Instigation or predecessor What can I do after I have finished this task This becomes the instigator or successor of the next task REFINEMENTS OF THESE TWO What can I do concurrently whilst doing this task? Do I have to 100% complete a task before starting the next one?

9 The perfect situation This is fine in a factory control situation but building construction is subject to many risks and constraints. So we need to adapt our requirements of effective construction planning to suit. What is the basic difference between Project work and factory work. Effective construction planning is a clear interpretation of the steps or tasks required to carry out the completed project in accordance with constraints of the site and within the requirements of the end user.

10 This has an effect on our approach to how we plan the construction process.
Project based Operation based Unique Finite Revolutionary change Disequilibrium Unbalanced objectives Transitional resources Flexibility Effectiveness Goals Rick and uncertainty

11 Answer project operation Unique Repetitive Finite Eternal
Revolutionary change Evolutionary change Disequilibrium Equilibrium Unbalanced objectives Balanced objectives Transitional resources Stable resources Flexibility Stability Effectiveness Goals Efficient Roles Rick and uncertainty Experience

12 Summary learn this Construction planning refers to understanding what has to be built, then establishing the right method, the right plant and the right labour force to carry out the works safely and to the quality required, in the most economical way to meet the site constraint and the client requirements

13 References
Skyscrapers – A History of the World’s Most Extraordinary Buildings, Judith Dupre .

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