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Domestic and Foreign Policy

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Presentation on theme: "Domestic and Foreign Policy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Domestic and Foreign Policy
George W. Bush Domestic and Foreign Policy

2 Summary of Domestic Policies
In response to 9/11 attacks: USA Patriot Act- allowed for surveillance of private communications and deportation of immigrants suspected of terrorism Department of Homeland Security- intended to protect national borders and weed out potential threats

3 Summary of Domestic Policies (cont.)
made $1.3 trillion tax cut causing deficit in combination with the monthly war costs from Iraq No Child Left Behind Act- required standardized tests and imposed sanctions against schools that failed to meet federal standards attempted to pass amendment banning same sex marriage

4 Summary of Domestic Policies (cont.)
put restriction on same- sex marriage and prohibited abortions sent FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) to provide relief to New Orleans following the

5 Summary of Foreign Policies (cont.)
launched invasion of Iraq on March 19, 2003; Saddam Hussein’s military regime collapsed Iraq’s Sunni and Shia Muslims attacked American forces following decision to disband Iraqi army April 2004 revealed prisoners in Baghdad’s Abu Ghraib prison tortured by American captors

6 Summary of Foreign Policies (cont.)
summer 2004, American military ceded political power and limited sovereignty to interim Iraqi government by end of 2006, more Americans had died in Iraq than in the attacks of September 11

7 Review Quiz What was the cabinet level organization created with the intent of nation protection? What legislation was passed in response to the 9/11 attacks to thwart political terrorists? What legislation did Bush put through to standardize national education?

8 Review Quiz (cont.) In what Iraqi prison was it discovered that prisoners were being mistreated by their captors? Which Iraqi military leader’s regime collapsed upon the invasion of Iraq on March 19, 2003.

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