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State of the School Meeting

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1 State of the School Meeting
January 23, 2018

2 Meeting Agenda Prayer & Mission Statement Accomplishments Finances
Fundraising STREAM update ITBS Test Scores Accreditation progress & survey summary All recite together

3 Prayer Our Mission Within our strong Catholic community, we develop children to their fullest God-given potential –   spiritually, intellectually, morally, socially, and physically. All recite together

4 Accomplishments 100% Catholic high school acceptance rate 2 consecutive years; over 50% honors eligible Christian Service Award winner 3 consecutive years On the road to accreditation Enrollment – increased 7.5% the past two years despite no addition of grades Growing athletics program Implementation of our Schoolwide Learning Expectations (SLEs) The community we have created. Survey quote: “Faith based, education, JOY. The school community is our 2nd family.” All recite together

5 Financial Statement (Jul – Dec 2017)
INCOME Tuition & Registration Income $708,496 Fundraising 89,294 Annual Appeal 17,054 Donations 21,047 Other Operational Income 52,225 TOTAL INCOME $888,116 EXPENSES Salary & Benefits $553,749 Fundraising 37,719 Annual Appeal 248 Facility/Maintenance 5,765 Rental Expense 37,916 Depreciation 16,887 Other Instructional Expenses 54,314 Other Operational & Admin. Expenses 49,365 NET Expenses $755,963 Income Over Expenses $132,153 This surplus will decrease in the second half of the fiscal year as expenses increase at a faster rate than income. Financial Statement (Jul – Dec 2017) 49% of tuition income from tax credit tuition assistance Brian

6 Cost to Educate vs Tuition
Cost to educate approx. $7,100 Current Tuition $5,300 Gap = $1,800/student or $396,000* total Brian * Based on existing enrollment capacity at 220 (Max 20 in Kinder and 25 in grade 1-8)

At ACS we choose to bridge the gap with fundraising & donations because the other options impact student learning and family finances. The other options include: Increase class size 25 max = $1,166,000* 30 max = $1,404,500** Increased income potential = $238,500 Cut staff/programs Cut Aides & Resource Teacher: save $85,154 Cut Art, PE, Music, Spanish: save $71,000 Total savings = $156,154 Options combined = $394,654 Increase tuition from $5,300 to $7,100 ($396,000) Brian * Based on capacity 220 ** Based on capacity 265

8 Fundraising Update Needed to meet fundraising budget $115,724
July 1 – December 31, 2017 Event Actual Net Profit Budgeted Net Profit Evening Under The Stars $43,161 $61,750 Christmas Tree Lot Rental 3,000 3,000 Walkathon (March 2) 0 53,400 Annual Appeal 16, ,050 Shop w/Scrip 2,235 2,003 Misc. 3,097 14,820 TOTAL $68,299 $184,023 Needed to meet fundraising budget $115,724

9 UpDATE Jean Comer’s visit recap
Expansion of coding to include both 7th and 8th grades Further integration of Project Based Learning and Engineering Design process K-8 3 teachers attending STEM Ready Workshop Series at GCU - designed to help schools evaluate their current STEM readiness, analyze their needs and create a strategic plan to implement STEM into their teaching and learning practices.

10 ITBS Grade Equivalent Scores
READING TOTAL 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Diocesan GE 2.3 3.4 4.5 5.6 6.4 7.9 9.5 ACS GE 2.4 4.1 5.0 7.1 8.4 7.5 9.4 ELA TOTAL 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Diocesan GE 2.1 3.4 4.6 5.8 6.7 8.4 10.2 ACS GE 2.4 4.1 5.3 7.9 9.2 8.7 11.4 MATH TOTAL 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Diocesan GE 2.0 3.1 4.0 5.1 6.2 7.8 9.6 ACS GE 2.1 3.6 4.4 7.0 8.1 7.7 10.5

11 ITBS Longitudinal Data – 6th grade

12 ITBS Longitudinal Data – 7th grade

13 ITBS Longitudinal Data – 8th grade

14 Accreditation Survey Summary (Parent) 81% response rate
Catholic Identity 99% state their children are receiving a solid religious education. Order of importance for sending children here: Catholic Values, Academics, Catholic Faith Formation Communication 98% stated that administration and teachers are approachable 98% state that the school newsletter & weekly updates are both appreciated and effective

15 Accreditation Survey Summary (Parent), cont’d
Academics At least 94% state that their children are receiving effective education in each of the core curricular areas. At least 90% state that their children are receiving effective education in the special areas: Art, Music, PE and Spanish. STREAM Although only 25% stated that STREAM was a factor in choosing ACS, 90% stated that STREAM benefits student learning. Environment – Physical & Social 100% feel that their children are safe at school 99% indicated there is an atmosphere of mutual respect among students, staff and parents.

16 Goals Related to the Parent Survey
Implement a Family Life (human sexuality) program Provide teacher training in ITBS data analysis and provide time for annual analysis of student scores Provide regular communication about what students are doing in the special classes (PE, Art, Music, Spanish)

17 Accreditation Survey Summary (Student)
Students feel that . . . K-3rd 4th-8th They are challenged at school 97% 87% They belong at this school 98% 94% They are successful in class 100% Their teachers help them gain confidence N/A Their teachers care about them Religion class helps them learn about their faith 99%

18 Parent Survey Comments Summary
Top 3 Suggested Improvements (80 replied, 29 skipped) A permanent building (40) A gym and proper outdoor court and playing field (18) Security – fence, restricted access, less open (16) No improvements (7 stated so; 29 skipped the question) Top 3 Things They Like Best (104 replied, 5 skipped) Small School/Community/Family Atmosphere (68) Catholic/Faith/Values (30) Academics (20)

19 Accreditation Timeline
Complete first draft of self study Jan. 31 Send draft to commissioner Feb. 28 Revise self study March 31 Action Plan Draft April 30 Action Plan Revised May 31 Onsite Visit Nov

20 Thank you for coming!

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