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Apendicular Skeleton.

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Presentation on theme: "Apendicular Skeleton."— Presentation transcript:

1 Apendicular Skeleton


3 Pectoral Girdle and Upper Limbs

4 Pectoral Girdle Also called the shoulder girdle Consists of the…
clavicles scapulae supports upper limbs

5 Arms Upper Arms Humerus Lower Arms Radius Ulna
The olecranon process on the end of the ulna makes up the point of the elbow

6 Figure 07.42a

7 Shoulder Joint

8 Elbow Joint

9 Wrist Joint/Hand

10 Pelvic Girdle and Lower Limb

11 Pelvic Girdle Composed primarily of the Coxae (2) (hip bones)
supports trunk of body protects viscera


13 Pelvic Girdle Composed primarily of the Coxae (2) (hip bones)
supports trunk of body protects viscera

14 Greater and Lesser Pelvis
Greater Pelvis lumbar vertebrae posteriorly iliac bones laterally abdominal wall anteriorly Lesser Pelvis sacrum and coccyx posteriorly lower ilium, ischium, and pubis bones laterally and anteriorly

15 Male and Female Pelvis Female iliac bones more flared broader hips
pubic arch angle greater more distance between ischial spines and ischial tuberosities sacral curvature shorter and flatter lighter bones

16 Legs Upper Legs Femur Lower Legs Tibia Much more robust bone Fibula


18 Knee Joint

19 Ankle Joint/Foot

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