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Word for the Dazed Copy the following S.A.T. word into your English Notebook under “Word for the Dazed”

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1 Word for the Dazed Copy the following S.A.T. word into your English Notebook under “Word for the Dazed”

2 Thespian /thes’-pe-¶n/ adj. [< Gr. Thespis, ancient Greek poet]
Having to do with drama An actor

3 Some critics do not consider Jennifer Lopez to be a serious Thespian.

4 Word for the Dazed Copy the following S.A.T. word into your English Notebook under “Word for the Dazed”

5 abstinence /ab’-st¶- n¶ns/ n [< L. abs, from tenere, hold ]
An abstaining from food, liquor, sex, etc.

6 abstinence Believe it or not, Brittany Spears says she practices abstinence, maybe because she’s not very good at it.

7 Word for the Dazed Copy the following S.A.T. word into your English Notebook under “Word for the Dazed”

8 xenophobic /zen-¶-fo’-bik/ adj [< Gr. xenos, strange + phobia, fear] fear or hatred of strangers or foreigners

9 In addition to being a maniacal racist, Hitler was also a xenophobic.

10 Word for the Dazed Copy the following S.A.T. word into your English Notebook under “Word for the Dazed”

11 conundrum /k¶-n¶n’-dr¶m/ n. [< L. pseudo] 1.Any puzzling problem
2. A riddle whose answer is a pun

12 “What came first, the chicken or the egg?” is an age-old conundrum.

13 Word for the Dazed Copy the following S.A.T. word into your English Notebook under “Word for the Dazed”

14 incriminate /in-krim’-¶-nat’/ vt, vi.[< L. in, in + crimen, offense] accuse of a crime 2. to involve in, or make appear guilty of a crime

15 incriminate Last night, Kobe Bryant was incriminated for sexual assault in Colorado.

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