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Notebook Entry #3 Yellow Journalism promotes war with Spain

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1 Notebook Entry #3 Yellow Journalism promotes war with Spain
*Yellow journalism – sensational headlines and stories, with little attention to facts, designed to grab the attention and stir up the emotions of readers. *William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer – publishers

2 Sensationalized stories of Spanish brutality in Spain
Emphasized Spanish atrocities and compared Cuban rebels to patriots of the American Revolution McKinley ordered the battleship Maine to Havana harbor to protect American citizens

3 Remember the Maine, to war with Spain!!!!

4 The Editor’s to Blame What event(s) does this song refer to? How do you know? Who is/are the editor(s) that the singer blames? How could they be blamed for what happened? Do you think the editors are the only ones to blame? Why or Why not?

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