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802.11k Orlando Agendas Richard Paine

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Presentation on theme: "802.11k Orlando Agendas Richard Paine"— Presentation transcript:

1 802.11k Orlando Agendas Richard Paine
March 2004 802.11k Orlando Agendas Richard Paine Richard Paine, Boeing

2 Radio Resource Measurement
August 2002 doc.: IEEE /506r0 March 2004 Radio Resource Measurement 802.11k Orlando 3/15/04 WG Opening Plenary + Richard Paine, Boeing Richard Paine, Boeing

3 Radio Resource Measurement
March 2004 Meeting Objectives Radio Resource Measurement Whole Orlando Meeting: Integration of h group inputs Draft 0.13 Review Measurement Security Inputs Letter Ballot Vote Richard Paine, Boeing

4 Radio Resource Measurement
March 2004 Technical Issues Radio Resource Measurement Signal Quality Measure Security of Measurement Frames Richard Paine, Boeing

5 Radio Resource Measurement
March 2004 Orlando Plans Radio Resource Measurement Comment Incorporation into new draft (D0.13) Start new TG review on D0.13 Security of Measurement Frames Next major milestone: Specification for Letter Ballot Richard Paine, Boeing

6 Next Telecom 4/7/04 4/7/04 Meeting: Comment Resolution March 2004
Richard Paine, Boeing

7 Radio Resource Measurement
August 2002 doc.: IEEE /506r0 March 2004 Radio Resource Measurement 802.11k Orlando Agenda 3/15/04 + Richard Paine, Boeing Richard Paine, Boeing

8 Radio Resource Measurement
March 2004 Agenda Radio Resource Measurement Richard Paine, Boeing

9 Radio Resource Measurement
August 2002 doc.: IEEE /506r0 March 2004 Radio Resource Measurement 6. Patents IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard. This assurance shall be provided without coercion and prior to approval of the standard (or reaffirmation when a patent becomes known after initial approval of the standard). This assurance shall be a letter that is in the form of either a) A general disclaimer to the effect that the patentee will not enforce any of its present or future patent(s) whose use would be required to implement the proposed IEEE standard against any person or entity using the patent(s) to comply with the standard or b) A statement that a license will be made available without compensation or under reasonable rates, with reasonable terms and conditions that are demonstrably free of any unfair discrimination This assurance shall apply, at a minimum, from the date of the standard's approval to the date of the standard's withdrawal and is irrevocable during that period. Approved by IEEE-SA Standards Board – December 2002 Richard Paine, Boeing Richard Paine, Boeing

10 Inappropriate Topics for IEEE WG Meetings Radio Resource Measurement
March 2004 Inappropriate Topics for IEEE WG Meetings Radio Resource Measurement Don’t discuss licensing terms or conditions Don’t discuss product pricing, territorial restrictions or market share Don’t discuss ongoing litigation or threatened litigation Don’t be silent if inappropriate topics are discussed… do formally object. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at Approved by IEEE-SA Standards Board – December 2002 Richard Paine, Boeing

11 Radio Resource Measurement
March 2004 Documentation Radio Resource Measurement Documents must be on the server before presenting Word document with changes to D Powerpoint to present them Richard Paine, Boeing

12 Radio Resource Measurement
March 2004 Orlando Objectives Radio Resource Measurement Whole Orlando Meeting: Integration of D0.9 review group inputs Draft 0.13 Review Measurement Security Inputs Letter Ballot Vote Richard Paine, Boeing

13 Radio Resource Measurement
March 2004 Orlando Work Radio Resource Measurement Comment Incorporation into new draft (D0.13) Start new TG review on D0.13 Security of Measurement Frames Next major milestone: Specification for Letter Ballot Richard Paine, Boeing

14 Radio Resource Measurement
March 2004 Categories of Comments Radio Resource Measurement 11h Issues Procedures MIBs Definitions IBSS Security Richard Paine, Boeing

15 Radio Resource Measurement
March 2004 Orlando Presentations Radio Resource Measurement Black (2) Kwak (20 Corrections) Olson (1) Following the above submissions: Votes Sudheer (1) Simon Barber (1) Simon Black (1) Kwak (4) Johnson (1) Qi (1) Paine (1) Richard Paine, Boeing

16 Radio Resource Measurement
August 2002 doc.: IEEE /506r0 March 2004 Radio Resource Measurement 802.11k Orlando Agenda 3/16/04 + Richard Paine, Boeing Richard Paine, Boeing

17 Radio Resource Measurement
March 2004 Orlando Agenda 1/16/04 Radio Resource Measurement Richard Paine, Boeing

18 Radio Resource Measurement
March 2004 Orlando Presentations Radio Resource Measurement Black (2) Kwak (20 Corrections) Olson (1) Following the above submissions: Simon Black (revisions) Class 1/ Class 2 Frame 3 Votes (h group, Black Corrections, Kwak Corrections) Qi (1) Sudheer (1) Simon Barber (1) Simon Black (1) Kwak (4) Johnson (1) Paine (1) Richard Paine, Boeing

19 Radio Resource Measurement
March 2004 Categories of Comments Radio Resource Measurement 11h Issues Procedures MIBs Definitions IBSS Security Richard Paine, Boeing

20 Radio Resource Measurement
August 2002 doc.: IEEE /506r0 March 2004 Radio Resource Measurement 802.11k Orlando 1/17/04 WG MidWeek Plenary + Richard Paine, Boeing Richard Paine, Boeing

21 Radio Resource Measurement
March 2004 Orlando Objectives Radio Resource Measurement Whole Orlando Meeting: Integration of D0.9 review group inputs Draft 0.13 Review Measurement Security Inputs Letter Ballot Vote Richard Paine, Boeing

22 Radio Resource Measurement
March 2004 Accomplishments Radio Resource Measurement Voted in the “h group” assigned comments (the bulk) Voted in those comment resolutions assigned to individuals Editor working on a new version of the draft (D0.13) Richard Paine, Boeing

23 Radio Resource Measurement
March 2004 Technical Issues Radio Resource Measurement Security of Measurement Frames Richard Paine, Boeing

24 Radio Resource Measurement
August 2002 doc.: IEEE /506r0 March 2004 Radio Resource Measurement 802.11k Orlando Agenda 1/18/04 + Richard Paine, Boeing Richard Paine, Boeing

25 Radio Resource Measurement
March 2004 Orlando Issues Radio Resource Measurement Do you support the use of the Access comment process? How long should the TGk D0.14 comment review run? When should we close the comment review (Irvine?)? What could make submissions easier? Richard Paine, Boeing

26 Radio Resource Measurement
March 2004 Orlando Presentations Radio Resource Measurement Black (2) Kwak (20 Corrections) Olson (1) Following the above submissions: Simon Black (revisions) Joe Kwak (Revisions) Comment resolution from procedural comments 3 Votes (h group, Black Corrections, Kwak Corrections) Class 1/ Class 2 Frame Discussion Issues Qi (1) 1 hour 1:30pm Sudheer (1) 20 min Simon Barber (1) 30 min Simon Black (1) 1 hour Kwak (4) 2 hours Johnson (1) 30 min Richard Paine, Boeing

27 Radio Resource Measurement
March 2004 Orlando Presentations Radio Resource Measurement Aboba (30 min) Barber (30 min review of D0.13) Richard Paine, Boeing

28 Radio Resource Measurement
March 2004 Orlando Presentations Radio Resource Measurement 8 Johnson (1) 30 min Amjad (1) 30 min 10:30 Sudheer (1) 20 min Simon Black (3) 1 hour Aboba (1) 30 min 1:30 Qi (1) 1 hour 2:30 Simon Barber (1) 30 min (deferred to conference calls) Simon Barber 0.13 Comment Review Kwak (4) 2 hours Richard Paine, Boeing

29 Radio Resource Measurement
March 2004 Orlando Presentations Radio Resource Measurement 5 Simon Black votes on 04/403r0 and 404 7:30 Kwak (4) 2 hours 8:30 Vote on Letter Ballot Richard Paine, Boeing

30 Radio Resource Measurement
March 2004 Orlando Agenda 3/18/04 Radio Resource Measurement Richard Paine, Boeing

31 Empowerment for future meetings
March 2004 Empowerment for future meetings Move to empower TGk to conduct teleconferences to progress through the IEEE standards process until two weeks after the July 04 Portland 802 plenary meeting. TGk Movers: Simon Barber/Steve Pope Result: Richard Paine, Boeing

32 Radio Resource Measurement
August 2002 doc.: IEEE /506r0 March 2004 Radio Resource Measurement 802.11k Orlando 3/19/03 WG Closing Plenary + Richard Paine, Boeing Richard Paine, Boeing

33 802.11k Orlando Closing Plenary Report
March 2004 802.11k Orlando Closing Plenary Report Richard Paine Richard Paine, Boeing

34 Radio Resource Measurement
March 2004 Orlando Objectives Radio Resource Measurement Whole Orlando Meeting: Integration of D0.9 review group inputs Draft 0.13 Review Measurement Security Inputs Letter Ballot Vote Richard Paine, Boeing

35 Radio Resource Measurement
March 2004 Accomplishments Radio Resource Measurement Integrated of D0.9 TG review inputs Draft 0.13 that incorporates review inputs Measurement Security (now have 2 options) 25 Presentations Letter Ballot Vote (1/11/3) Richard Paine, Boeing

36 Radio Resource Measurement
March 2004 Major Technical Issues Remaining Radio Resource Measurement Security of Measurement Frames Richard Paine, Boeing

37 Letter Ballot Consideration
March 2004 Objectives for May 2004 Complete 2nd TGk review Letter Ballot Consideration Objectives for Jul 2004 Letter Ballot Recirc Richard Paine, Boeing

38 March 2004 Plans Plan until next meeting: Weekly Teleconferences on Wed 8am Pacific (first teleconference on 4/7/04) Plan for start of next meeting: 2nd Review Next major milestone: Letter Ballot Richard Paine, Boeing

39 Invitation to Join TGk D0.14 Review
March 2004 Invitation Invitation to Join TGk D0.14 Review Starts a week from today, finishes 4/13/04 Comment Review Weekly Teleconferences on Wed 8am Pacific (first comment review teleconference on 4/14/04) Plan for start of Orange County meeting: Nearing end of 2nd Review Next major milestone: Letter Ballot Richard Paine, Boeing

40 Next Telecom 4/7/04 4/7/04 Meeting: D0.14 Review Comment Resolution
March 2004 Next Telecom 4/7/04 4/7/04 Meeting: D0.14 Review Comment Resolution Richard Paine, Boeing

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