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Sacraments of Healing Year 8 RE.

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1 Sacraments of Healing Year 8 RE

2 Sacrament Brainstorm – What is a sacrament? A Christian Rite
7 sacraments Unite ourselves to Christ

3 Seven Sacraments Baptism Holy Orders Penance Confirmation Marriage
Sacraments of Initiation Sacraments of Healing Sacraments of Service Baptism Confirmation Eucharist/First Holy Communion Holy Orders Marriage Penance Anointing of the sick

4 A visible sign of inward grace
Sacrament A visible sign of inward grace

5 A visible sign of inward grace
Annotate this definition in the form of a poster. Research: ‘Grace’ ‘a visible sign’ ‘Inward’ ‘Inward Grace’

6 Patch Adams
How is this seen as a moment of healing but not in the traditional sense? What does it show about the importance of more than just physically healing someone? How could it be considered a ‘sacramental’ moment?

7 What does it mean to be healed?
Think about the following ideas when responding to this: Physically Mentally Emotionally Spiritually

8 Jesus heals a Leper Luke 5: 12-16
Open the worksheet on Firefly. Explore the World Behind the Text What do we need to know about the Jesus’ world before we can understand the healing that occurred.

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