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Comparative Analysis of Democratization prof. Fulvio Venturino

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1 Comparative Analysis of Democratization prof. Fulvio Venturino
Comparative Politics Principles of Democracy and Democratization Chapter 6: Democratization and the Global Environment

2 The key questions The effects that external forces have on the development of democracy democratic diffusion and waves of democratization effects of the legacies of colonialism globalization and democracy imposed democracy

3 Samuel Huntington and the three waves of democratization
First wave: since 1820s to World War I Second wave: since the end of World War II to first 1960s Third wave: since mid-1970s to ???

4 Types of democratization process
Transformation: led by authoritarian leaders Transplacement: jointly led by authoritarian leaders and opposition groups Replacement: led by opposition groups

5 The previous authoritarian regimes
Herbert Kitschelt on Central and Eastern Europe: patrimonial communism vs. national consensus communism Michel Bratton and Nicolas Van de Walle on Africa: personalist dictatorship, military oligarchy, plebiscitary one-party system, competitive one-party system

6 Global causes of the third wave of democratization
the unprecedented economic growth of the 1960s the global economic downturn of the 1970s the shift in the activities of the Catholic Church in the 1970s the European Community and the US stopped the unconditional support of anti-communist authoritarian regimes demonstration or snowball effects

7 Why so many hybrid regimes?
After the end of Communism some limitations to democratization emerged because of the clash of civilizations Western Christian zone Orthodox Christian zone Confucian zone Islamic zone

8 Is there a democratic legacy of the colonialism?
It depends on the previous colonizer British made use of an indirect rule, thus providing the natives with experience of self-rule (but also fueling tribal strife) Other colonial countries preferred a direct rule based on regional governors

9 Globalization and democracy
In established democracies globalization has undermined the left-wing parties What about democratizing countries? Globalization may stimulate economic growth … … but it may also bring about ethnic conflict

10 Imposed democracy Imposition may happen when a foreign power plays an important role in the establishment, promotion, and maintenance of the democratic government Imposed democratic regimes may stem from Defeat in a war Controlled decolonization

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