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Approach to reporting for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive
MSFD Working Group on Good Environmental Status 27-28 September 2011, Brussels David Connor DG Environment, Marine Environment Unit 2
Outline Reporting requirements and format
Reporting as part of a management cycle Main uses of the reported information and data Overall approach 2012 needs Scales and quality elements Article 8 Article 9 Article 10 Expectations for 2012 reporting
MSFD – key reports to 2016 Main MS reports: Article Main tasks to 2016
Report due Art. 8 Initial Assessment Environmental characteristics Pressures and impacts Socio-economic analysis and costs of degradation Oct 2012 Art. 9 Determine characteristics for GES Art. 10 Establish environmental targets and associated indicators Art. 11 Establish and implement monitoring programmes Oct 2014 Art. 13 Develop a programme of measures Mar 2016 latest Linked Commission reports: Article Main tasks to 2016 Report due Art. 12 Assessment of MS reports on Articles 8, 9 and 10 + 6 months Art. 16 Assessment of MS reports on Article 13
Reporting formats Article 19 (3)
Access and use rights to information & data for initial assessment and monitoring programmes (to EC, EEA) INSPIRE compliant Article 24 (2b) Technical formats for transmission & processing of data, including statistical and cartographic data Preferred approach Voluntary agreement on Reporting Sheets via WG DIKE and Marine Directors Potential use of EMODnet for some data
Reporting and management cycle
From draft Common Understanding of (Initial) Assessment, Determination of Good Environmental Status (GES) & Establishment of Environmental Targets (Articles 8, 9 & 10 MSFD) (Aug. 2011) – report for WG GES
Reporting and DPSIR framework
DPSIR element Drivers Pressures State Impacts GES & targets Responses Description Analysis of uses of marine environment (economic and social) Analysis of pressures on marine environment from human activities Assessment of impacts from pressures Assessment of current state of marine environment (ecosystem structure and functioning) Take account of impacts from pressures Assessment of costs of degradation, based on impacts on environment and to human welfare (ecosystem goods and services) Define good environmental status (GES) Assess gap between current state and GES Define targets to achieve or maintain GES Development of programme of measures to deliver targets Links to MSFD Articles Art. 8(1c) Art. 8(1b) Art. 8(1a) Art. 9 Art. 10 Art. 13 Links (to be made explicit in the reporting sheets) Identify the main pressures from each activity Link pressures to main activities Identify main ecosystem components being impacted Identify main pressures and impacts – link to main pressures Link to Reporting sheets Economic and social reporting sheets Pressures and impacts reporting sheets Characteristics reporting sheets Costs of degradation reported in Economic and social reporting sheets GES reported in GES reporting sheets Targets reported in Targets reporting sheets Programmes of measures reporting to be developed for 2015 reporting This cycle is informed by monitoring programmes (Art. 14)
Uses for the reported information and data
Level Application Member State To provide an overview of implementation, particularly for national policy and management purposes. Particularly relevant for larger countries where delivery is through regional administrations or via a range of government agencies. To provide information on neighbouring States to support coordination and implementation. Regional organisations (e.g. Regional Sea Conventions) To provide data and information which contribute to the assessment and management at regional scales European Environment Agency To provide data and information for periodic assessments of the state of Europe’s marine environment, including a European contribution to global assessments (e.g. UN Regular Process) European Commission To enable compliance checking, at national level and in relation to regional delivery requirements. To provide evidence on the state of the marine environment, on the main pressures affecting it, and on the establishment and implementation of measures and policies for its protection. These will help inform policy, management, and research needs, particularly at European level. Public To provide data and information on the state of Europe’s marine environment and on the implementation of policies for its protection.
Approach to reporting Address 2012 needs as priority Within framework which can accommodate future needs (e.g. Art 11, 13) Base reporting clearly on requirements of the Directive Informed by the Decision (criteria/indicators) and the CSWP (links Annex I and Annex III) Seek most important information for Commission assessment (Art. 12) High-level summary information on nature, distribution & extent of pressures and impacts High-level summary information on current state of ecosystem components, main pressures and current status Supporting information (e.g. metadata on methods) and data (e.g. GIS layers) Core information on determination of GES (Art. 9) and targets (Art. 10) Details of regional cooperation (Art. 5, 6) Demonstrate adequacy of MS assessment and level of consistency across region/subregion Identify important information needed to inform monitoring and measures
Quality elements assessed Scale of assessment Criteria and indicators
Reporting framework Following elements should form basis of assessments Quality elements assessed Scale of assessment Criteria and indicators Threshold values Baseline/reference point used
Quality elements/topics for assessment
Follow Annex III structure For Table 2 Pressures and Impacts: Based closely on elements in Table Level of aggregation for nutrient and contaminant reporting Minor adjustments For Table 1 Characteristics: Adjustments (as CSWP) Non-indigenous species, nutrients, chemicals addressed as pressures Predominant habitat types and functional groups Follow TG1 recommendations, with modification from RSC reflections (CSWP) For economic and social analysis Follow sector by sector approach List from CSWP (based on WG-ESA, WFD, RSC, UN lists)
predominant habitats First predictive habitat mapping of EU waters using consistent classification Direct application for Marine Framework Strategy Directive Western Mediterranean Baltic Sea 12
Assessment scales Region Subregion Subdivision
Three-tier scale in Directive: Region Subregion Subdivision Reporting is a MS responsibility GES is to be assessed at level of region or subregion Strong Regional/subregional focus for delivery of Directive Initial Assessment scale is not restricted to MS waters Essential for 2012 reporting : Area of MS marine waters Boundaries for regions, subregions (+subdivisions) Areas used for each assessment
List of GES descriptors
Criteria Reports on current status of ecosystem components from initial assessment Reports on current status of pressures & impacts from initial assessment List of GES descriptors D1, D2, …… D10, D11 GES Descriptor ... Descriptor 10 Descriptor 11 Descriptor1 Descriptor 2 Reports on GES for: Criterion 1.1 Criterion 1.2 Criterion 2.1 Criterion ...1 Criterion 10.1 Criterion 11.1 Criterion 10.2 Other Target A Target B Target C Target Y Target Z Target .. Reports on Targets and associated indicators Targets may be linked to Descriptors, Criteria or ‘Other’ Reporting on the characteristics of GES (Art 9) and the setting of targets and associated indicators (Art 10) can be seen as separate but related tasks, which in turn link to the initial assessment (Art 8). The IA should provide an assessment of the current status of a component or pressure, preferably according to the criteria used to define GES (the desired status) from the Commission Decision; targets should then be defined to bridge the gap between current and desired status and again are likely to be associated to the criteria for assessment of status. 19
Key information: GES & targets
Qualitative expression at: Descriptor level and/or Criterion level and/or Indicator level Quantitative expression, where possible (threshold, proportion of assessment area) – BUT can be reflected in Targets Specify assessment scale, quality elements, baseline Targets Link to GES descriptors, criteria & indicators (one/multiple) Type of target, timescale, existing or new General questions (Annex VI) separate
Expectations for 2012 reporting
Starting point of longer term process Will not be fully developed, need to revise future reporting Balance of structure and flexibility Structure to address Commission needs Flexibility to accommodate MS needs Expect incomplete reporting: Elements where information is poor (e.g. underwater noise) Aspects where assessment methods are poorly developed (e.g. status of certain pressures/impacts) Highest priority aspects Indicates where Commission expects to focus its assessment (for Art. 12) Need for consistency of information reported Not all relevant to every MS; allow for justification if not supplied Supporting data Important for EEA and public dissemination Need to agree which data sets
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