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FAME Cop Meeting 1.

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Presentation on theme: "FAME Cop Meeting 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 FAME Cop Meeting 1

2 Learning Goals Deepen and extend my understanding of formative assessment. Begin to understand what changes need to occur in my practice and what impact formative assessment will have on my team’s practice. Understand formative assessment’s position in my classroom’s and my team’s comprehensive assessment system.

3 Reflection on Module 1 I can state what is clear and unclear to me and describe what I would like to spend more time talking to colleagues about.


5 Creating a Common Definition
On the Answer Garden, describe formative assessment with one word. Using the words, work as a team to create a working definition on your card.

6 Our model of assessment
Using your application activity, create your own model of assessment based on the Brookhart model of “useful balance.” Please each assessment you recorded on a post it note and sort them into the categories seen here. Draw the lines last.

7 What revisions are needed to move your assessment system closer to a "useful balance?” 

8 Revisit our Reflection on Module 1
Review the reflection of learning document and make revisions as needed.

9 Personal Reflection We want to hear from you. Please take a moment to complete the Excel Survey.

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