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Atmospheric Layers.

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Presentation on theme: "Atmospheric Layers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Atmospheric Layers

2 4 Layers Troposphere Stratosphere Mesopshere Thermosphere

3 We live in this atmospheric layer
Troposphere Lowest layer Densest layer Varying temperatures 90% of atmosphere’s mass We live in this atmospheric layer

4 Stratosphere Gases mix less than troposphere Air is thin Contains little moisture/very dry Lower stratosphere is very cold (-60 degrees C) Temperature rises as altitude increases b/c the ozone absorbs ultraviolet radiation from the sun and warms the air.

5 Ozone This is not one of the atmospheric layers but is a layer within the upper stratosphere It protects humans from burning up or getting skin cancer This is what causes the higher temps at higher altitudes in Stratosphere It is also part of the lower Mesosphere

6 Lies above stratosphere
Mesosphere Lies above stratosphere Coldest layer (-93 degress C) at the top of the layer Temperature decreases as altitude increases( like troposphere)

7 Temperature increases as altitude increases
Thermosphere Uppermost layer Temperature increases as altitude increases Nitrogen and Oxygen absorb high-energy solar radiation and releases thermal energy.

8 Thermosphere Hottest layer (1000 degrees C or higher).
Does not feel “hot” because although temps are high, the particles have greater spaces between them, so they do not transfer thermal energy. This makes it feel cooler because the particles do not collide and transfer energy Ionosphere is a layer within the thermosphere

9 Ionosphere Not one of the 4 layers BUT it’s a layer within to layers: mesosphere and thermosphere Absorbs solar energy As temps rise, gas particles become electrically charged (ions) Auroras occur at the polar regions (Northern Lights) Reflects AM radio waves which bounce off the ionosphere and are sent back to Earth

10 Exosphere According to some texts, this is considered the outermost layer It’s considered “outer space” Few atmospheric molecules which escape into space Meteors enter Earth’s atmosphere in the exosphere Because the exosphere is so hot, meteors burn up before entering other layers

11 Atmospheric Boundaries
Tropopause-above the troposphere Stratopause-above the stratosphere Mesopause-above mesosphere Thermopause-above thermosphere At these pauses, maximum changes between the “spheres” occur

12 Atmospheric Layers and vehicles that go to each layer:
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