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5CF005 Families and Communities in Context

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1 5CF005 Families and Communities in Context
Summative Assignment

2 Assignment Details You will need to produce a written assignment of 2000 words (100%) Hand in: Monday 18th January 2016 Submitted online via WOLF You can go 10% over or below

3 Introduction Provide an introduction to set the scene
This should link to the assignment task Identify what chosen group you are focussing on It should be clear and to the point

4 Assignment Title You are a practitioner working with families within the community and in spite of government policy to deliver significantly improved outcomes for children, young people and families, hard to reach families are still hard to reach, why is this? You need to focus on a particular excluded group to discuss the question and you will need to draw upon your learning from your online blog tasks and make links between policy, research and theory.

5 Assignment Guidelines
Inequality in society – what is social exclusion, look at key definitions and interpret these Marginalisation Multi-dimensional and complex concept, reduces opportunity and access Non-participation

6 Impact What is the impact of social exclusion – link to your chosen group Limits participation in Labour market, access to social support services, housing, education and health Do groups of people socially exclude themselves?

7 Overview current social policy to tackle social exclusion (can be critical in terms of troubled families agenda) Look at what policy is trying to achieve but also think of the difficulties it raises

8 Assignment Guidelines
A key part of the Troubled Families agenda is the requirement to work in an integrated way? Illustrate examples of how integrated services can reduce the impact of social exclusion for your chosen group

9 What are the barriers that families face in accessing these services (critical appraisal)

10 Conclusion Conclude your assignment – what have you learnt?
The difficulties of working with hard to reach families Your own professionalism? Possible solutions?

11 Key Theories Bourdieu (1979) ‘Cultural capital’ – links to poverty and opportunity and inequality in society Beck (1991) Individualisation – people have the resources to take up life opportunities – what happens when they do not Murray ‘underclass theory’ – can troubled families be labelled as an underclass?

12 Reference List Harvard referencing Alphabetical order
All citations you have used in your assignment need to be included Be careful of how you are referencing websites

13 Key Points Proof read!!!!!!! Argue your points – avoid basing your discussion on your own opinions, i.e. ‘I believe,’ ‘I think…’ Avoid open ended questions – whatever arguments you present – support them!!!!!!

14 Key Points You need to undertake wider reading to help you develop a critical approach. Include journal articles as well as books It is the way you use literature to support your arguments ‘do not just put a quote in and then leave it – make sure it supports your argument Be wary of using websites you are unsure of the validity about

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