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Vocabulary Words World Literature

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1 Vocabulary Words World Literature
Night Week 4

2 Horrendous The state of the rental house was horrendous, with the previous renters having completely destroyed the property.

3 Horrendous Definition: adj.—extremely bad or unpleasant
Synonyms: dire, dreadful, horrible Antonyms: relaxing, appealing

4 Pious Everyone knows the pious Mr. Smith never leaves his house without his Bible.

5 Pious Definition: adj.—having or showing or expressing reverence for a deity Synonyms: religious, devout, spiritual Antonyms: faithless, ungodly

6 Infernal In the game Diablo, you must fight demons and monsters in an infernal landscape. totter

7 Infernal Definition: adj—characteristic of or resembling Hell
Synonyms: hellish, damned, wicked Antonyms: angelic, godlike, good

8 Ascertain In a few moments, the doctor will ascertain whether or not you need to be hospitalized because of your infection.

9 Ascertain Definition: v.—find (something) out for certain; make sure of Synonym: discover, confirm, learn Antonym: disprove, misunderstand

10 Veritable The seven-acre corn field was a veritable maze.

11 Veritable Definition: adj.—authentic; not counterfeit or copied
Synonyms: genuine, legit, bona fide Antonyms: fake, false

12 Invective When my ex-boyfriend tried to start a fight with me by using an invective, I simply walked away from him.

13 Invective Definition: n.—abusive language used to express blame or censure Synonyms: tirade, reproach, berating Antonyms: praise, compliment

14 Irrevocable Take your time and think about this irrevocable decision you are about to make!

15 Irrevocable Definition: adj.—not to be revoked or recalled; unable to be repealed or annulled Synonyms: permanent, unalterable Antonyms: reversible, changeable

16 Lucidity The general’s lucidity allowed him to quickly plan a strategy of attack.

17 Lucidity Definition: n.—a clear state of mind; ability to see things clearly and rationally Synonyms: clarity, perceptive Antonyms: obscurity, ambiguous

18 Conflagration The dictator of that small country is always threatening the world with nuclear conflagration.

19 Conflagration Definition: n.—a very intense and uncontrolled fire; a conflict or war Synonyms: blaze, inferno, conflict Antonyms: calm, truce

20 Harangue The teacher had to harangue the student who constantly played with her phone in class.

21 Harangue Definition: v.—to scold or verbally attack, especially in public Synonyms: accost, chew out, lecture Antonyms: praise

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