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ECE 875: Electronic Devices

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Presentation on theme: "ECE 875: Electronic Devices"— Presentation transcript:

1 ECE 875: Electronic Devices
Prof. Virginia Ayres Electrical & Computer Engineering Michigan State University

2 Lecture 28, 21 Mar 14 Chp 04: metal-insulator-semiconductor junction: GATES Q, E , V/y, WD Capacitances VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

3 Example 01 (will be a continuing problem):
+ VM Ayres, ECE875, S14


5 Q E VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

6 E (x) Q(x) = esE (x) Q (x) VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

7 Can easily find E (x) and Q(x) for known yp(x):
Therefore: what yp(x) do we know: VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

8 Purpose of a channel in a transistor: binary logic: ON/OFF
VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

9 ON to OFF: ON: Strong inversion Going OFF: intrinsic
OFF: Strong accumulation Going OFF: Flatband VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

10 OFF to ON: ON: Strong inversion Going OFF: intrinsic
OFF: Strong accumulation Going OFF: Flatband VM Ayres, ECE875, S14


12 Example: What are you trying to find?
What changed from our=Fig 5 example?

13 Answer:


15 Same as in Lec 27: 2 nn0 nn0 3: @ ys for strong inversion 1
VM Ayres, ECE875, S14

16 Detail: n-channel Debye length LD:
Picture is 2 out of 3: Missing the holes Diffusion is hard to stop: holes can diffuse 3D.

17 Detail: Realistic flatband (n-channel):
Miracle (restrictive) Evac

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