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Quad Charts Will Boyster.

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1 Quad Charts Will Boyster

2 Purpose Customers End Result Benchmarks
Social Media Background Checker Purpose Customers Collect information from social media sites based on provided information For instance, provide a name and and search sites such as Twitter and Facebook for matches with this information Use the new information to widen the search and collect the new information gained, also finding varied information, for instance multiple dates of birth or pseudonyms Potential for use with sites requiring identity verification Potential for data mining of consumer information, relying on preexisting and willfully spread information End Result Benchmarks Provide a name and and find and collect as well as cross reference data Depending on eventual project scope, perhaps also use newly gained information to spread the collection scope to more sites Collects information and records discrepencies Expanding search Potential to read posts to infer possible links

3 Purpose Customers End Result Benchmarks Restaurant Selector by Food
Use publicly available information to determine food available at restaurants, to select and provide recommendations of locations based on criteria requests, such as “chicken,” “pasta,” or “spicy.” Value to consumer as more relevant suggestions for food, and more specific criteria to find what they want End Result Benchmarks Given criteria, singular or combinations, provide relevant and accurate locations. Use available menus and photos as reference for restaurants. Select restaurants with food matching criteria Use preexisting, growing database to determine relevance

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