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‘Romeo and Juliet’ by William Shakespeare Exam Study

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1 ‘Romeo and Juliet’ by William Shakespeare Exam Study

2 Note down anything you know already about Romeo and/or Juliet
Be ready to feedback your ideas about these characters…

3 Spellings: test next lesson (due date…)
Romeo Families Character Mood Revenge Rivals Tension Juliet B Violence Frustration Romance Tragedy Juliet Benvolio Rivalry Characterisation

4 Objective : To understand how Shakespeare opens his play and what effect this has on the audience.
Big Picture: During the lesson I will examine the prologue and analyse Shakespeare’s use of language and devices.

5 Imagine you are making a play about both gang rivalry and romance…
In pairs, decide how you would open your play! THINK: What events might hook the audience? - How could you introduce both themes? Be ready to feedback your ideas for your opening scene…

6 How does Shakespeare do it?
Look at your prologue worksheet: Let’s read it together. Any words you don’t understand? Shakespeare has introduced the themes of both gang rivalry and love. Find quotes that match each theme!

7 Analysing the prologue
INDIVIDUALLY: Fill in a variety of the grey boxes. GROUPS OF 3: Share ideas/answers. 3. AS A CLASS: What boxes have groups not done? Let’s work on these as a class!

8 1 P.E.A.S paragraph How does Shakespeare use the prologue? E.G.
- What words/techniques are used? Why? What issues/themes are raised? What does this suggest?

9 Thinking points – class discussion
What has Shakespeare ‘given away’ for the audience? (He has told them the end of the play!) Would you do this at the start of your play? Why might Shakespeare have done it? Also worth adding about the less educated members of the audience,and howShakespeare helps them using the prologue!

10 Plays are to be performed!
In pairs, you will write a ‘modern language’ version of the prologue. Only 1of you will read it out though, so decide together how it should be read out out! E.G. What words need emphasising? What tone should be used in each line?

11 EXTENSION Use techniques that Shakespeare has also used!

12 Dramatic readings – your modernised prologues
What did their performance tell the audience about the rest of the play? Is this the same in Shakespeare’s prologue?

13 Class discussion How should Shakespeare’s be read?
What words need emphasising? What tone should be used in each line?

14 Review Based on the prologue make predictions about the rest of the plot! Feedback…

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