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Timed Writing Workshop

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1 Timed Writing Workshop
Tips and Tricks to improve your timed writing abilities

2 Use your ABC(and D)s Use the following to help you break down and answer timed writing (or any) prompt: A: Attack the prompt B: Brainstorm your response C: Create a thesis for your response D: Detect errors in your response

3 A: Attack the prompt Begin answering the prompt by attacking it.
Circle any words that ask you to do something. Cross out any unnecessary words or phrases Underline what you are being asked to do Rewrite your circled and underline words>>> this is your new prompt

4 Practice Prompt (what you will be responding to tomorrow)
In Martin Luther King’s iconic speech “I have a Dream”, he uses a variety of rhetorical strategies to convey his message. In a well written essay analyze the craft and style King uses to convey his message. Include references to the text to support your claim.

5 Practice!

6 B: Brainstorm your response
Brainstorm your response by making a bubble chart (or bulleted) list that responds to each element of the prompt Plan the order of your response

7 Practice Prompt (what you will be responding to tomorrow)
In Martin Luther King’s iconic speech “I have a Dream”, he uses a variety of rhetorical strategies to convey his message. In a well written essay analyze the craft and style King uses to convey his message. Include references to the text to support your claim.

8 Practice!

9 C: Create a thesis Create a thesis that incorporates each element of your response and answers the prompt

10 Practice Prompt (what you will be responding to tomorrow)
In Martin Luther King’s iconic speech “I have a Dream”, he uses a variety of rhetorical strategies to convey his message. In a well written essay analyze the craft and style King uses to convey his message. Include references to the text to support your claim.

11 Practice!

12 D: Detect errors in your response
After drafting your timed writing, read through it once (or twice if time allows) Search out and correct errors

13 SOAPS Another easy way to formulate a response to a prompt (only for ones using an excerpt from a text) is to use SOAPS. Read the excerpt Read the prompt Perform SOAPS for the excerpt Perform the ABC(d)s for the prompt, incorporating SOAPS if appropriate.

14 TIPS Stick to the question. Sometimes you may know more about a related question than you do about the question asked. Avoid the temptation to wander away from the real question to a question you’re better prepared for. Similarly, make sure that you keep focused on your thesis as you answer the question, and do not include irrelevant material just to show it off.\ Don’t waste time erasing, just cross out the words with two lines Revise and proofread. Save a few minutes to reread your essay. Correct sentence structure, spelling, and punctuation; clarify any illegible scribbles.

15 Key Terms Used in Essay Questions
DISCUSS: A general instruction that means “write about.” If the question says “discuss,” look for other key words to focus your response. DESCRIBE: Give sensory details or particulars about a topic. Often, however, this general information simply means “discuss.” ANALYZE: Divide a topic into its parts and show how the parts are related to each other and to the topic as a whole. SYNTEHSIZE: Show how the parts relate to the whole or how the parts make sense together. EXPLAIN: Show relationships between specific examples and general principles. Explain what (define), explain why (causes/effects), and/or explain how (analyze process). DEFINE: Explain what something is. As appropriate, give a formal definition, describe it, analyze its parts or function, describe what it is not, and/or compare and contrast it with similar events or ideas. COMPARE: Explain similarities and (often) differences. Draw conclusions from the observed similarities and differences. CONTRAST: Explain key differences. Draw conclusions from the observed differences. ILLUSTRATE: Provide specific examples of an idea or process. TRACE: Give the sequence or chronological order of key events or ideas. EVALUATE: Determine the value or worth of an idea, thing, process, person, or event. Set up criteria and provide evidence to support your judgments. SOLVE: Explain your solution; show how it fixes the problem, why it is better than other alternatives, and why it is feasible. ARGUE: Present both sides of a controversial issue, showing why the opposing position should not be believed or accepted and why your position should be accepted. Give evidence to support your position. INTERPRET: Offer your understanding of the meaning and significance of an idea, event, person, process, or work of art. Support your understanding with specific examples

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