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Just Map It: Greene County Web Mapping Basics

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1 Just Map It: Greene County Web Mapping Basics
Michelle McDonough, Conservation District Program Technician GCSWCD

2 Computer Login Information
1. Desktop Login information: a. Username: HTCguest b. Password: hunter (lowercase) 2. Wi-Fi Login information: a. Network: HTGuest b. Password: thisis4you (lowercase) 3. Chromebook Login information: a. Username: b. Password: hunter12345

3 Workshop Outline What is a web mapper?
Hands on guide of Greene County Web Map Brief introduction to DEC’s Environmental Resource Mapper Quick preview of other useful mappers: CRIS, NWI Wetlands Mapper, Web Soil Survey, National Geodetic Survey Data Explorer, Natural Resource Navigator CRIS- Cultural Resource Information Systems (NYS Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation) National Wetlands Inventory Wetlands Mapper (U.S. Fish and Wildlife) Web Soil Survey (United States Dept of Agriculture, Natural Resource Conservation Services) National Geodetic Survey Data Explorer (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, US Dept of Commerce) Natural Resource Navigator (The Nature Conservancy)

4 What is web mapping? Web mapping is a way to provide geographic information systems (GIS) over the internet. Web maps are interactive and allow the user to choose what information is conveyed. These tools help support land use and conservation planning, as well as development. There are two types of web mapping, static and interactive. Static web mapping is essentially sharing an image on a web page. This type of map cannot be manipulated and will always show the same data. This is the most common. Interactive web mapping is less common because it requires technical skill on the back end to get it up and running (and continued maintenance and updating).

5 How are web mappers useful?
They are fast. They are user friendly. They do not require expensive software. They help us visually express data and answer questions. Questions you can answer: Where are the wetlands? Who owns that pond? Are there any known archeology sites here?

6 Behind the Scenes The end user requests a map from the web server and the servers passes the request to the mapping server. The mapping server brings together all of the data and delivers in back to the end user. Mitchell, Tyler Web Mapping Illustrated.

7 Main Components Base maps Data layers Extent Navigation
Provides the necessary background detail. Data layers Layers often have pop up windows which provide more detail on the data. Extent Sets the interactive boundaries of the map. Navigation Allows the user to pan, zoom in, or zoom out. Retrieved from ESRI: Base maps add an aesthetic component, as well as provide necessary background detail. Whether the base map is an aerial image, highlights the main roadways, or elevation/topography. A data layer is a selectable bit of information that can be turned on or off. The layers you turn on change what you are conveying with your map. Multiple layers can be turned on at the same time. These layers can often be clicked on to get more information. The extent of the map determines the limit to the information provided by the data layers. Often a base map will extend beyond the extent of the map, but the interactive data layers only show up within the extent. The navigation of the map allows you to pan by grabbing and dragging the map, you can also zoom in closer or zoom out.

8 Access to Greene County Web Map
Web Address: Google: “Greene County Web Map” Greene County Government Website

9 General Use Notes This application uses popup windows - turn off all popup window blockers. Resolutions lower than 1024 x 768 pixels are not recommended. Drawing time may be slower when viewing a large number of layers. Some map layers will only display when the user is zoomed in to a small geographic area. This application uses popup windows - Please turn off all popup window blockers when using this application. Firewall Protection - Users of virus and firewall protection software, such as ZoneAlarm and Norton Antivirus, should consult their help documentation to determine if popup blockers are automatically enabled, and how to add this URL to the list of accepted sites. Monitor Resolution Settings - Set Microsoft Windows desktop resolution to 1024 x 768 pixels or greater. Lower resolutions are not recommended for optimal performance. Drawing Times - Please note that some map layers are very large and rather complex to process and display via the Internet. Drawing time (refresh time) between processes may be slower when viewing a large number of map layers all at once, including aerial photographs. Scale Dependent Map Layers - Some map layers will only display when the user is zoomed in to a small geographic area (less than 5-10 square miles). Tax parcels and aerial photographs are two such scale-dependent map layers. This is done to ensure speedy display of the map when panning across the map window, and to reduce map clutter.

10 Greene County Web Map Homepage

11 Center Toolbar Identify Features Full Extent Zoom In Zoom Out
Bing Maps Google Streetview Measure Between these two sides, there is a toolbar. These tools help to identify what you are looking at, see the full extent of the county, zoom in/out, see what your point looks like on Bing (not a very useful tool), see the street view of an area on the map, measure/draw/select and area, make a PDF/JPEG of a map, and give you web map help. If a tool is turned on, it will be yellow. Note that we will be using most of these tools in combination with the tabs to the left of the screen. Go over all of the tools briefly, especially the ones that will be most helpful like IDENTIFY FULL EXTENT ZOOM IN ZOOM OUT BING (not actually helpful) STREET VIEW HELP Measure and draw are used in conjunction with the Tools tab on the left side of the screen. Will go over “printing” a bit later. Draw Print – Develops a document that can be saved or printed. Does not print automatically. Help


13 Exercise Search for your home or work
Alternatively, you can search for Dolan’s Lake, in Hunter. What we know: Owner: Village of Hunter Address: 562 Ski Bowl Road Add 2016 aerial imagery and the NYS streets Check: What is the parcel ID? If it is in an agricultural district. If there are any historic sites on or near the property. If there are any streams running through the property. If there are any DEC wetlands. Practice using the “Print” function. Note: Please do not save if you are using a desktop or Chromebook! If they are looking for Dolan’s Lake, they may not be able to find it in the Basic Search. In the basic search, enter 562 into the address number and select Hunter Village. OR They will have to find it using the “Locate Address” tab, within the Tools menu. Not in an agricultural district. There is a historic site northeast of the property, on the north side of 23A (Saint Mary's of the Mountain Church, National Register Number 99NR01451) Schoharie Creek and tributaries running through the property. There are no DEC wetlands.

14 Environmental Resource Mapper
Google: “NYS DEC Environmental Resource Mapper” Web Address: Allow pop-ups!

15 Environmental Resource Mapper
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Primary Uses: Identify water features: waterbody classifications and regulated wetlands Identify unique geologic features, rare plants and animals Identify natural communities (forest stands, bogs, meadows, and more) We will only be going into more detail identifying the waterbody classifications and regulated wetlands today.

16 Waterbody Classifications
Regulation- Part and Item from DEC Rules & Regulations. Standard- Standards of quality and purity for classifications (A, B, C, etc), with additional classification of trout (T) or trout spawning (TS) waters. Classification- Water quality classification based on existing or expected best usage.

17 Classification Definitions
Best Usage A, AA, A-S and AA-S Source of drinking water, swimming and other recreation, and fishing B Swimming and other recreation, and fishing C Fishing D Fishing (but will not support fish propagation) Standard (T) Trout waters (TS) Trout spawning waters A complete list can be found at DEC’s webpage for Streams, Rivers, Lakes, and Ponds.

18 State and Federal Wetlands
State (DEC) regulated freshwater wetlands 12.4 acres or greater Smaller wetlands of unusual local importance Federal (USACE) regulated waters Section 404 of Clean Water Act (regulates Waters of the United States including lakes, rivers, streams and their adjacent wetlands) Section 10 of Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (navigable Waters of the United States) Note: All state wetlands are federally regulated, but not all federal wetlands are state regulated. Full definition of Waters of the United States can be found at the US Environmental Protection Agency website.

19 Access Other Web Maps Cultural Resource Information Systems (CRIS)
National Wetlands Inventory Wetlands Mapper Web Soil Survey National Geodetic Survey Data Explorer Natural Resource Navigator

20 Access this presentation online:
Greene County Real Property Tax Service 411 Main Street, Suite 447 Catskill, NY 12414 Phone: (518) Fax: (518) Contact: Michelle McDonough Conservation District Program Technician Phone: (518) ext. 108 Access this presentation online:

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