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Figure 1 Endoscopic appearance of fundic gland polyps

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1 Figure 1 Endoscopic appearance of fundic gland polyps
Figure 1 | Endoscopic appearance of fundic gland polyps. Characteristic endoscopic images of multiple fundic gland polyps of the oxyntic mucosa. a | Multiple fundic gland polyps (arrow). b | Histomorphological characteristics of a cystic gland dilatation (asterisk). These polyps are located in the fundic or corpus mucosa between gastric rugal folds. They can also appear in a single polypoid structure. The size varies from a few millimetres up to 10 mm. The underlying lesion is not a mucosal neoformation, but a cystic gland dilatation (histomorphology). Part b courtesy of D. Jechorek, University of Magdeburg, Germany, in collaboration with P. M. Part b courtesy of D. Jechorek, University of Magdeburg, Germany, in collaboration with P. M. Malfertheiner, P. et al. (2017) Proton-pump inhibitors: understanding the complications and risks Nat. Rev. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. doi: /nrgastro

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