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1 2018

2 Is a Southeastern country of Europe Capital is Tirana
WEBoxes go to children in Albania, here are some facts about Albania: Is a Southeastern country of Europe Capital is Tirana The oldest lake in Europe is found in Albania, called Ohrid 1 international airport located in Tirana

3 2937 WEBoxes meant that 2937 children and young people RECEIVED them in DIFFERENT PARTS of Albania 

4 This was the fourth year of the WEBox project and each of the trips has been DIFFERENT and UNIQUE every time. It is a great ENCOURAGEMENT to see our sisters and brothers in Albania take more ownership of distributions, so that the boxes can be truly tools of COMPASSION.   

5 This year we had a SMALLER TEAM, we were able to visit and distribute the WEBoxes in some NEW DEPRIVED areas.  Some children WALKED for at least 3 MILES, to come and receive a WEBox

6 We saw the CONTRAST of the RICH and the POOR and feel there is a NEED to CONTINUE to be a BLESSING, to SUPPORT and EMPOWER the local believers for the furtherance of God’s kingdom

If you want to get involved this year then get in touch with the WEBA office

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