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Particle Physics @ Malaysia A Roadmap 2014 Wan Ahmad Tajuddin Wan Abdullah NCPP.

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1 Particle Physics @ Malaysia
A Roadmap 2014 Wan Ahmad Tajuddin Wan Abdullah NCPP

2 why Particle physics Fundamental
– humanness – understand our place and function in universe Frontier – beyond stamp-collecting – basis for future technology Cutting edge – enabling technologies pushed to extremes

3 why Malaysia Internationalization – global village Strategic
– display significance in S & T – S & T producer Capacity building – world-class scientific and technical skills

4 why roadmap Sustainability – sustained funding – institutional support
– planning critical mass

5 how - strategy Consolidate current strengths Venture into new areas
Communication, education, outreach

6 what To achieve in 10-20 years
Supersymmetry – yes / no Understanding what is Dark matter, Dark energy Understanding Hadron structure from partons Fast electronics for data capture with applications Advanced detectors for biomolecular studies, medical imaging/dosimetry Big data analysis and use in finance, internet data New methods and algorithms for High performance & distributed computing Extensive media material for communicating, education and outreach Metaphysics: relating to philosophical and religious cosmology

7 experimental High energy frontier LHC (CMS), ILC, VLHC
High intensity frontier Belle2 (SuperKEKB), COMET, PINGU Cosmic frontier Radio

8 CMS involvement Core computing – workflows, large data transfer
Data analysis – heavy quark jets Muon detectors – trigger electronics Electromagnetic calorimeter – calibrating corrections 14 Tev High luminosity 2014 2020 2030

9 The CMS group – scientists/acads, postdocs, students
experience 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 WWA TASSO: track s/w ZAI ZEUS: electronics FMI ZEUS: hadron cal CB CMS: muon det IY ATLAS: trigger MS ATLAS: pixel det AMA CMS: computing JK CMS: heavy trigger IA tbn ZZ Summer student AA FM available @ CERN masters

10 CMS people Core computing – 1 to 3 Data analysis – 1.5 to 3
Muon detectors – 1.5 to 3 Electromagnetic calorimeter – 1 to 2

11 CMS finance M&O contributions – RM60k to RM165k/year
Upgrade contributions – RM1M (2014), RM1M (2019) Tier 2 node computer upgrade – 200TB cores = RM200k/year Postdocs – 3 incl 1 at CERN – RM430k/year Student attachments at CERN – 2 for 1 year, 6 for 3 months = RM400k/year Travel – 10 trips – RM80k/year RAs – RM200k/year

12 Belle II involvement CDC – to 2 Computing – to 2 M&O – to RM50k/year
Travel – RM50k/year RAs – RM50k/year Data taking 2014 2017 2023

13 COMET involvement to 2 RM80k/year Phase 1 Phase 2 2014 2017

14 Underground involvement?
PINGU – upgrade of ICEBOX, Antartica: neutrino telescope USD104M construction cost between 48 institutions Construction Physics 2014 2020

15 theory fundamental theorists – 2 to 10 phenomenologists – 1 to 10

16 Detector and electronics
Trigger electronics – with CMS New detectors – fibre scintillators Application of fast electronics to time-resolved biomolecular studies

17 Computing Grid framework – with CMS Mobile particle cloud
Parallel/distributed application porting

18 Projection Current Tier-2 average
(backup available current commodity line: 2 Gbs-1) Projection Current Tier-2 average

19 Computing personnel (0.5 FTE)

20 Accelerators and beams
plasma beams

21 Metaphysics Study of old texts in light of modern physics

22 Communication, education, outreach
Media products Interactive programs Teachers Scientific journalism

23 Thank you

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