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January 2014 High School Principals

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1 January 2014 High School Principals
Advanced Placement January 2014 High School Principals

2 A_V_N_E_ _L_C_M_N_ D P A E A C E D T X O M E I L T A B

3 Should we continue to conduct voter registration drives at each high school?
Yes No

4 If you said “yes,” do you recommend…
Continue with Fall Move to Spring No preference

5 AP courses are for students who always get good grades.
True False

6 AP courses are good for any student who is academically prepared and motivated to take on college-level courses True False

7 Typical AP students are risk takers in the classroom.
Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree

8 AP students should already be prepared to take college courses.
Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree

9 AP is for students who are self-motivated.
Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree

10 The purpose of an AP program is to
Challenge students Increase instructional rigor Isolate desirable student behaviors Prepare students for college and career To earn college credit

11 AP differs from honors courses in that…
AP courses are more difficult AP courses challenge students to dig deeper AP courses require more motivation to learn Students have more work in AP courses

12 The lowest score that a student could earn on an AP exam and be considered “qualified” in that course is 5 4 3 2 1

13 Most colleges will only accept scores of 4 or 5.
True False

14 Each college decides which scores it will accept.
True False

15 If an AP teacher scaffolds learning, s/he is watering down the curriculum.
True False

16 If an AP teacher differentiates instruction, students do not benefit of the rigor designed for AP courses. True False

17 The best scheduling choice for an AP course is
Stand alone semester course AP course paired with an honors elective seminar course AP course paired with an AP or honors course that is a graduation requirement or elective (consec. sem) AP course paired with an AP or honors course that is a graduation requirement or elective (A/B Day)

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