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Welcome to Grade 7/8 at ADHS

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1 Welcome to Grade 7/8 at ADHS
Grade 7 Orientation and BBQ Wednesday, August 27th, 2014

We are on a five day cycle: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5 (Tuesday, September 2nd will be Day 1) Thus, when you receive a copy of the class timetable, it will be set up by numbers and not Monday to Friday. Bells – different from the high school students English, Math, & Science in the morning Phys. Ed./Health, History, Geography, Art, Drama, Dance, and French in the afternoon. The morning classes will be blending of students between the immersion students and core students. Many students will change rooms in the afternoon School day begins at: 8:00 a.m. Lunch (Gr. 7 & 8s together in the cafeteria): 10:30 to 10:50 Two nutritional breaks: 10:50-11:10 & 1:40-2:20 My afternoon students will need to take their gym clothes with them to lunch as our Phys. Ed. and Fitness classes are right after lunch at 11:10 Students will need to pack their bags by 1:40, as dismissal occurs right after the last nutritional break. End of day (Dismissal): 2:20 p.m. Bussing – grade 7 & 8 students will be seated at the front of the bus to and from school. They will be let off on Stephen Street. Walkers are to use the Stephen Street entrance.

3 PAPERWORK To take home:
School Year Calendar Business Card for Mrs. McCauley And other forms Please be sure to hand in the following completed forms to your morning teacher: Acceptable Use Agreement Consent Form to Publish Student Photos/Work Student Verification Form Do you have your locker combination memorized? Ask Mrs. McCauley about any school supply questions you may have.

4 All Percents Now % % % % % In grades 1 to 6, your child received letter grades on his/her report cards In grade 7 or 8 your child will be receiving % grades. The grading system is as follows: Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 52 (D-) 62 (C-) 72 (B-) 82 (A-) 55 (D) 65 (C) 75 (B) 88 (A) 58 (D+) 68 (C+) 78 (B+) 95 (A+)

5 Subjects of the Year The subjects being taught by Mrs. McCauley are:
English, Math, Science, History, Geography, Drama, Dance, Visual Arts, Health & Physical Education Core French – Mlle.Quinn Music – Mrs. S. Smith Fitness – Mr. Dalgity Social Studies taught up until grade 6 has now become History and Geography History and Geography – History will be taught in term one and Geography in term two

6 Classroom expectations
Behavioural Expectations Work Expectations Say good-morning and come to class with a smile. (Courtesy) When announcements are being played, you are quiet and listening. (Respect) Raise your hand to speak or to get out of your seat for any reason. (Respect) Keep your hands to yourself and your feet on the ground. (Respect) Walk quietly through the halls. (Respect and courtesy) Follow all school rules inside and outside of the classroom. (Responsibility) Speak politely to everyone, even when feeling frustrated. (Respect) Arrive on time. (Responsibility) When working with others, listen attentively, provide positive feedback, and be an active member. (Cooperation and respect) Get involved in all spirit activities at school. (FUN) Be a positive friend, classmate and student. Use the WOW sheet to track your work completion. (Responsibility) Complete the assigned work. (Responsibility) Hand in the completed work by the designated due date, making sure you have put your name on the top left hand corner. (Responsibility) Ask for help when it is required. You may have the same question as someone else. (Responsibility) Be sure that when you are doing your work, you do not interfere with the work completion of others. (Responsibility) Date top right hand corner, underlined with a ruler. (Organization) Titles top centre – underlined with a ruler. (Organization) Pen for all subjects except math and art. Try to use cursive writing versus printing. You may also type your work as well. You can bring in and use your technology.

7 Grade 7 & 8 Curriculum expectations
You can find all curriculum expectations for your child in grade 7 or 8 at: A variety of methods will be used to assist your child with achieving the curriculum expectations. Thus your child will have to practice staying organized using duo tangs, folders, binders, and/or notebooks as sheets will be provided throughout the course of the year and across different subject areas.

8 TECHNOLOGY ROCKS Many of today’s students are fully engaged in everything technologically based Thus, students in grades 7/8 can use the following forms of technology in this classroom when required and when teacher permission is provided: iPods iPads/Tablets Laptops/Computers Students are encouraged to bring these items with them to school School is a great place to learn how to use this technology and social media APPROPRIATELY (facebook, texting, etc.) BUT if students are using their devices inappropriately, they will receive one reminder (warning) and the next time they lose the device for one day; the second infraction will be three days; the third infraction will be five days. If it happens more than three times, parents will be informed that the item will not be permitted at school. Students will have to put their technology away or have it locked in the closet until the end of the day. (Obviously the item can be used on the bus.) Please refrain from contacting your child during instructional time via texts or calls, as this really interferes with the learning of your child and others. If you need to contact your child, please call the school office.

9 W.O.W. and WEEBLY.COM W.O.W. – WORK of THE WEEK – To assist students with their work completion all the work for the week will be typed, in chart format, and given to each student on Monday mornings. This will also be posted on the class website. W.O.W. – also allows students to work ahead and to see what is coming up next in the week. It is a great way for parents to see what their child(ren) is/are accomplishing at school. W.O.W. – can be found on Mrs. McCauley’s WEEBLY.COM website s – ing the WOW sheet out to parents and students has become a very effective method of communication. I will be sending home a form for students and parents to complete with your contact information. If you have an address, I can contact you with last minute bits of school information, provide reminders, and much more.

10 SAFETY FIRST HELMETS – helmets are necessary when riding a bike to and from school. It is the law, your child must wear a helmet when riding a bike. They should also have a bell or horn on their bike, as well as the appropriate reflectors. APPROPRIATE FOOTWEAR – it is important for your child to wear appropriate footwear and to keep their shoes on when participating in physical activities at school NOTES – please make sure your child has a note to: go out for lunch, remain in town, to be picked up, or other reasons NO NUTS – we ask that you read all labels on food packages to ensure all products are nut free BUS CANCELLATIONS – if buses are cancelled I will post information to the class website. You can find out about bus cancellations at I can also all parents the bus cancellation information as well.

11 COMING EVENTS Terry Fox Walk/Run
Soccer, Cross Country Running, and Football school teams this fall. Volleyball is in December. Spirit Week Progress Reports And much more Watch for school and classroom newsletters to come home. Don’t forget to check out the class website at:

12 Thank You I just love school, especially ADHS!! GO THUNDERBOLTS GO
Thank you for taking the time to read over this slideshow If you have any questions please ask. The absolute best way to contact me is through . You can also send in a note or come in person. (Refer to business card for this information.) I am really looking forward to educating your child this year. I just love school, especially ADHS!! GO THUNDERBOLTS GO

13 See you on September 2nd. Have a wonderful day everyone.
Are there any questions that I have not yet answered??? Have a wonderful day everyone. See you on September 2nd.

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