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ESTCP Funding Opportunities

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1 ESTCP Funding Opportunities
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2 FY 2019 ESTCP Funding Opportunities Herbert Nelson, Ph. D
FY 2019 ESTCP Funding Opportunities Herbert Nelson, Ph.D. Director Andrea Leeson, Ph.D. Deputy Director Tim Tetreault Energy and Water Program Manager

3 DoD’s Environmental Technology Programs
Science and Technology Demonstration and Validation

4 Program Area Management Structure
Weapons Systems & Platforms Environmental Restoration Energy & Water Resource Conservation & Resiliency Munitions Response

5 Threatened and Endangered Species Maritime Sustainability
Environmental Drivers Sustainability of Ranges, Facilities, and Operations Threatened and Endangered Species Maritime Sustainability Toxic Air Emissions and Dust UXO & Munitions Constituents Noise Sustainable FOB Changing Environment

6 Environmental Drivers Reduction of Current and Future Liability
Contamination from Past Practices Pollution Prevention to Control Life Cycle Costs Groundwater, soils and sediments Large UXO liability Emerging contaminants Elimination of pollutants and hazardous materials in manufacturing maintenance and operations Achieve compliance through pollution prevention

7 ESTCP Program Goals Priority: Needs of the DoD user community
Demonstrate Innovative Cost-Effective Environmental and Installation Energy Technologies Capitalize on past investments Transition technology out of the lab Promote Implementation Direct technology insertion Gain regulatory acceptance Priority: Needs of the DoD user community

8 ESTCP Demonstrations Desired Technologies
Can significantly benefit from a demonstration on a DoD installation Require a demonstration to properly assess the cost and performance of the technology Will utilize information from the demonstration to accelerate commercialization and broader adoption Mature commercial technologies already in use or with well established operational cost and performance criteria are not appropriate for demonstration and validation

9 ESTCP Methodology Partner With Stakeholders and Test at DoD Facilities
Developer, regulators, and end-user Direct transition Validate Operational Cost and Performance Independent test and evaluation Satisfy regulatory and user communities Identify DoD Market Opportunities Technology transfer

10 Project Requirements Formal Demonstration Plans
Detailed performance objectives Independent review Execution of Technology Demonstration Collect cost and performance data Written Reports on Cost and Performance Technical report Cost and performance summary report Support for Transition Regulatory/end-user acceptance Guidance and training

11 ESTCP Solicitation Process
Department of Defense Call Pre-Proposal Broad Agency Announcement Call Federal Organizations Outside DoD Call Full Proposal Oral Briefing* Selections *Not required for Topic B9/D7.

12 ESTCP Solicitation Dates
ESTCP Solicitations Released January 9, 2018 Pre-proposals Due March 8, 2018, 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time Full Proposal Requested June 2018 Full Proposals Due August 2018 Briefings Before ESTCP Technical Committee September 2018 Project Selection October 2018 Project Initiation Spring 2019

13 ESTCP Solicitation Dates – Topic B9/D7 Only
ESTCP Solicitations Released January 9, 2018 Pre-proposals Due March 8, 2018, 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time Full Proposal Requested April 2018 Full Proposals Due May 2018 Project Selection June 2018 Project Initiation August 2018 (DoD/Federal); October 2018 (BAA)

14 DoD Call for Proposals Call for Demonstration Projects
Address DoD environmental requirements DoD lead required Short Written Pre-Proposal Full proposal requested Modifications recommended Selection Full proposal Oral presentation (not required for Topic D7)

15 Broad Agency Announcement and Call for Proposals for Federal Organizations Outside DoD
Call for Technologies Specific topic areas Short Written Pre-Proposal Full proposal requested Modifications recommended Identify DoD Liaisons Site Selection Technology Transition Selection Full proposal Oral presentation (not required for Topic B9)

16 Selection Criteria Relevance (Pass/Fail)
Appropriate for Demonstration (Pass/Fail) Technical Merit Cost/Benefit Transition Potential Cost Small Business Participation (For BAA Full Proposal)

17 Hallmarks of a Competitive Proposal
Clearly Address a Topic Area Well Defined Demonstration Questions Provide Significant Benefit Reduced costs Improved performance Technically Sound Detailed technology description Well-defined performance objectives Detailed technical approach

18 FY 2019 ESTCP Topics Broad Agency Announcement & Call for Proposals for Federal Organizations Outside DoD

19 Innovative Technology Transfer Approaches
Demonstrate innovative technology transfer approaches for technologies that have been successfully demonstrated under ESTCP or for mature bodies of knowledge that are appropriate for direct transfer that have been developed under the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP). The target communities of interest are primarily end users. Target communities will likely benefit from technology transfer approaches specific to their mission, business processes, and manner of receiving information. Proposals must address why the focus technology is appropriate, the barriers to adoption, the key stakeholders, stakeholders information needs, and why the proposed approach is appropriate to the technology and the audience. Proposals should comprehensively address all stakeholders that will determine the adoption of the innovative technology. Proposals may focus on a broad array of SERDP and ESTCP investment areas, or be narrowly targeted.

20 Long Term Management of Contaminated Aquatic Sediments
Demonstrate innovative technologies that specifically address the management, risk characterization, remediation, or monitoring of sediments contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), heavy metals, or mixtures containing these contaminants. In situ remedial technologies. Demonstrations that facilitate the application and commercialization of passive samplers. Tools or methodologies to evaluate amendment placement and remedy integrity. Monitoring tools to predict the long-term performance of remedies and expected long-term risk reduction. Technologies or tools that advance the regulatory acceptance and implementation of measures of bioavailability into contaminated sediments cleanup activities. Technologies for sustainable dredged material disposal alternatives. Contaminated marine, estuarine, brackish, and fresh water sediments are of interest. Proposals addressing sediments contaminated with radionuclides will not be considered.

21 Management of Contaminated Groundwater
Demonstrate tools, methodologies, or technologies that can reduce the cost of managing DoD’s long term liability associated with contaminated groundwater. Contaminants include chlorinated solvents, energetic compounds, emerging contaminants of interest to DoD, or mixtures of these contaminants. Sites and associated risks where contamination will persist for a significant period of time after an initial remedy is selected. Areas of interest: Management tools or technologies to specifically address contaminant source zones in complex geological environments that cause persistent groundwater plumes. Management tools or technologies to address groundwater contaminated with emerging contaminants, such as the per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) and common co-contaminants. Assessment of how to better combine existing or new technologies to address complex contaminated sites and make informed decisions on transitions from active remediation to passive technologies. Optimization, assessment, and/or long-term monitoring tools related to remediation of contaminated groundwater. Tools to collect more site data of better quality at lower cost.

22 Detection, Classification, and Remediation of Military Munitions in Underwater Environments
Demonstrate technologies that detect, classify, or remediate military munitions found at underwater sites. Technologies that will facilitate management of underwater munitions sites are also of interest. Wide variety of aquatic environments Munitions range from small projectiles and mortars to large bombs Water depths less than 5 meters and up to 35 meters Wide Area and/or Detailed Survey Techniques: Systems are needed to cost-effectively survey large (kilometer-scale) areas to identify concentrations of munitions and areas free of munitions. Cost-Effective Recovery and Disposal Methods: Improved methods are needed to cost-effectively and safely recover munitions from the underwater environment. Management of Underwater Munitions Sites: Improved understanding of munitions transport and fate may help inform site munitions response management decisions.

23 Department of Defense (DoD) Installation Infrastructure Risk Exposure and Resilience Decision Support Tools Demonstration projects are sought to address the reduction of risk to the DoD’s built and natural infrastructure. Proposed projects should demonstrate installation infrastructure decision tools for quantifying risk, resilience, and decision support focused on non-coastal extrinsic environmental risks to installation infrastructure. Sea level rise risk analysis need not be excluded in a proposed risk tool but should not be the principal focus. Demonstration of risk management tools that quantify risks from exposures possessing the potential to impact near-, mid-, and long-term infrastructure missions. Proposed tools must provide transparency in regard to estimates of uncertainty associated with the environmental factors for which the tool is designed.

24 Demonstration/Validation of Fluorine-free Aqueous Film Forming Foam
Demonstrate and validate more environmentally sustainable, fluorine-free aqueous film forming foams (AFFFs) and/or alternative foam delivery methods that meet current performance requirements. May also evaluate current test methodologies to determine minimum performance requirements needed to mitigate fires in operational environments or development of novel test methodologies for screening firefighting foams for liquid pool fires. Materials and processes to be demonstrated/validated should: Already be developed to at least a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 4. Be production level materials rather than laboratory batch level samples. Be able to be produced in the near term to meet the current DoD use requirement. Be compatible with storage equipment and piping with comparable corrosion rates to current AFFF. Meet requirements with fresh and salt water at multiple delivered concentrations. . Must involve at DoD organization that is considered a stakeholder for the application and include field testing in military relevant environments.

25 Energy Efficiency Technology Demonstrations Integrated with Utility Energy Services Contracts (UESC)
Demonstration of innovative technologies and approaches to improve the energy and water efficiency of buildings on military installations. Must be coordinated and integrated with utility energy services contracts (UESCs) in development at military installations. Demonstrations should be of technologies that would not otherwise be included in the UESC due to a lack of technology cost and performance data or related concerns. Must include the utility, or its representative energy services company, that intends to execute the UESC as a co-performer. Demonstrations with the following characteristics are preferable: Technologies sufficiently mature such that adoption in future UESC projects within one year after conclusion of the demonstration is possible. High calculable energy savings, in addition to cost savings Potential for high savings-to-investment ratio (SIR) and short simple payback Minimal additional technology development required for deployment of the technology after the demonstration Cost sharing

26 Effective Use of Utility and Facility Data to Improve the Management, Operation and Maintenance of Facilities Demonstration of solutions to improve the use, access and quality of utility and facility-related data. Technologies and solutions should: Enhance existing data collection and handling systems or provide new capabilities. Maintain security and minimize the time and cost for data system maintenance. Technologies with the following characteristics are preferred: Provide complete and accurate information with minimal manual data processing. Address cybersecurity requirements for handling facility-related data. Improve energy analytics, demand management and reporting capabilities. Reduce time and cost of installing and connecting new data points into existing systems. Integrate data from multiple disparate sources to create higher value information. Improve the operational efficiency of facility managers and maintenance staff. Partnering or collaborating with DoD Components is highly encouraged.

27 Large Scale Energy Storage and Microgrids
Seeks innovative approaches to improve energy security through integration of electric energy storage systems in a microgrid. Phase I – Design and Modeling – Pre-proposals due March 8, 2018 Develop conceptual design and operational model for the use of the proposed large-scale energy storage. Designs and modeling will be targeted to realistic conditions found on a selection of installations in various climate zones and energy markets. Note the alternative review and selection schedule for this topic. Phase II – Technology Demonstration and Validation – Potential follow-on proposals requested in the spring of 2019 A subset of modeled systems will be selected to demonstrate promising technology components and systems at a few of the sites that served as the representative military installations in Phase I.

28 FY 2019 ESTCP Topics Department of Defense Call for Proposals

29 Environmental Restoration
Monitoring: Demonstrate technologies for the assessment or long-term monitoring of chemical contamination or biogeochemical indicators in soils, sediments, and water. Reduction in Cost to Complete: Reduce the Cost to Complete for contaminated groundwater or aquatic sediments by improving performance assessment or optimizing treatment. Reduce Source Loading of Munitions Constituents: Reduce source loading of munitions constituents during routine DoD operations and demilitarization activities. Stormwater Treatment: Management and treatment of stormwater runoff from DoD facilities. Wastewater Treatment: Innovative, energy efficient, low maintenance systems for decentralized treatment or recycling of wastewater on fixed installations. Innovative Technology Transfer Approaches: DoD investigators are encouraged to submit proposals through the DoD submittal process that respond to this BAA topic area.

30 Munitions Response in Underwater Environments
Wide Area and Detailed Surveys Rapid assessment of large areas to identify concentrations of munitions and areas free of munitions. Must provide high areal coverage rates but may be successful with only modest probabilities of detection and classification. Proposals addressing novel sensors, platform integration, or large-scale collection of field data at real munitions sites will be considered. Cost- Effective Recovery and Disposal Technologies to cost-effectively and safely recover munitions in the underwater environment. Focus on recovery in the shallow water environment and should address explosive safety issues. Innovative Technology Transfer Approaches DoD investigators are encouraged to submit proposals through the DoD submittal process that respond to this BAA topic area.

31 Resource Conservation and Resiliency
Natural Resources Technologies for the sustainable management of natural resources on DoD installations. Ecological Systems - Management of ecological systems to ensure the continued availability of realistic training and testing conditions, while preserving the long-term viability of installation and regional biological diversity and associated ecological processes. Living Marine Resources Ecology and Management - Minimize the impacts of military operations on marine mammals and other marine resources. Species Ecology and Management - Management of invasive species and listed and at-risk species. Wildland Fire Management Demonstrate the tools, technologies, and methodologies for the active management of fire emissions from both wild fires and prescribed burns to ensure the continued availability and sustainability of training and test ranges. Innovative Technology Transfer Approaches DoD investigators are encouraged to submit proposals through the DoD submittal process that respond to this BAA topic area.

32 Weapons Systems and Platforms
Manufacturing and Maintenance Alternative materials, processes, and inspection methodologies. Monitoring and control of emissions. Energetics Alternative materials and manufacturing processes. Demilitarization of ordnance. Waste Reduction Ships and forward operating bases. Lead-Free Electronics Alternative alloys or conformal coatings that mitigate whisker growth or improve reliability of electronic components that are lead-free. Innovative Technology Transfer Approaches DoD investigators are encouraged to submit proposals through the DoD submittal process that respond to this BAA topic area.

33 Energy and Water Topics for FY 2019 DoD Call for Proposals are identical to those for the BAA and Call for Proposals for Federal Organizations Outside DoD: Energy Efficiency Technology Demonstrations Integrated with Utility Energy Services Contracts (UESC) Effective Use of Utility and Facility Data to Improve the Management, Operation and Maintenance of Facilities Large Scale Energy Storage and Microgrids

34 For more information

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