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Presentation on theme: " B ACHELOR OF I NNOVATION Todays Seating/Tables Miranda, Joel Cottrell, Dakota Schmitt, Benjamin Costello, Thomas Chabas, Alexander."— Presentation transcript:

1 B ACHELOR OF I NNOVATION Todays Seating/Tables Miranda, Joel Cottrell, Dakota Schmitt, Benjamin Costello, Thomas Chabas, Alexander Smith, Jonathan Sohn, Robin Cox, Thomas Wolfe, David Nebelsick-Gullett Rosenberger, Christopher Weseman, Jeremy Anderson, Sean Kraus, Keegan Hamm, Joshua Hacker, Ariel Kramer, Evan El, Malaka Del Valle Spencer, Melissa Nate Lucas Bret E. Ford, Alan Costantino, Gabriel Greene, Aaron Highberger, Christopher Lawrence, David Swanson, Will Slade, Brittany Dionson, William Devlin, James Ruesta, Ivan Davis, Kyle Cap, Sara Dodds, Matthew Zarnoch, Gregory

2 B ACHELOR OF I NNOVATION Stakeholders The word stakeholder was first recorded in 1708 as a person who holds the stake or stakes in a bet; the current definition is a person with an interest or concern in something (Bisset, personal communication, 19981). Freeman (1984, p. vi) defines a stakeholder as any group or individual who can affect, or is affected by, the achievement of a corporations purpose. In the context of natural resource management, however, Röling and Wagemakers (1998, p. 7) offer a more appropriate definition: Stakeholders are... natural resource users and managers.

3 B ACHELOR OF I NNOVATION Stakeholders Types/Issues Stakeholders, clients, beneficiaries Primary, secondary, and key stakeholders Internal or external to the organization The relative power and interest of each stakeholder The importance and influence they have The multiple hats they wear; The networks and coalitions to which they belong

4 B ACHELOR OF I NNOVATION Innovation/STEM Student funding You are to clarify the problem of improving funding for students in Innovation and STEM fields. Phase 1 is to identify the stakeholders (based on in class discussion) and their roles. Your teams will report out on this after break.

5 B ACHELOR OF I NNOVATION Innovation/STEM Student funding Phase 2 (at least getting started on it) Using the steps of Clarifying the real problem (p73-76 Seeds) formally address all 9 steps. This leads to a initial problem definition. Then apply the Extraordinary Strategies in Chapter 6. If they don't apply explain why not, if they do apply explain how to use them.

6 B ACHELOR OF I NNOVATION Innovation/STEM Student funding Write up in class outcomes formally. Then using it as background, formally define the Innovation/STEM funding problem and briefly describe your top three solution ideas for it. The result is, by March 30/31, a 5-10 page submitted in the ecompanion drop-box

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