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2nd exam coverage X-ray sources lab rotating anode synchrotrons

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1 2nd exam coverage X-ray sources lab rotating anode synchrotrons
Collimation long slit pinhole Kratky design new optics Detectors - types and operation Instrument systems Sample preparation thickness

2 2nd exam coverage Scattering sources resolution issues deadtime
standards No guarantee that each of above will be covered on exam There will be a problem on the specimen preparation procedure and considerations for two different samples

3 Interpretation - summary so far
Dilute particulate system radius of gyration spheres thin rods thin discs many other models Guinier law dense packing of spheres Non-particulate 2-phase system invariant ideal 2-phase system Porod law deviations from ideal diffuse boundary

4 Interpretation - summary so far
Periodic systems separate order from disorder ideal stack of lamellae lamellae with variable thickness use of correlation function

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