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DanuClus - Introduction

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Presentation on theme: "DanuClus - Introduction"— Presentation transcript:

1 DanuClus - Introduction
2nd Cluster Workshop EUSDR Vukovar, 12 September 2013 DanuClus - Introduction


3 DanuClus Passion for Prosperity
We provide an international networking space for cluster success innovation competitiveness prosperity across borders along the Danube

4 Structure & Projects of DanuClus
Core Group Targetted cluster excellence Innovation and Gender Best practice exchange Online Platform High impact experimentation (automotive) Mapping and benchmarking NGCI Case studies BRICS High impact experimentation (ICT) High impact experimentation (wood)

5 WG Clusters - Vukovar

6 Funding for DanuClus Interreg VC Danube Programme Central Europe Programme Horizon 2020 COSME ESCP

7 Potential Partners for DanuClus

8 Next Steps for DanuClus
12 September 2013: Political-strategic meeting Working Group „Clusters of Excellence“ => during 2nd Cluster Workshop in Vukovar 2013 / 2014 / 2015: Funding applications

9 More Information on DanuClus?
Dr. Sigrid Winkler Oö. Technologie- und Marketinggesellschaft m.b.H

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