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India ink preparation of exudate from a gangrenous lesion showing encapsulated bacilli, which allowed the differentiation of C. perfringens from B. cereus.

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Presentation on theme: "India ink preparation of exudate from a gangrenous lesion showing encapsulated bacilli, which allowed the differentiation of C. perfringens from B. cereus."— Presentation transcript:

1 India ink preparation of exudate from a gangrenous lesion showing encapsulated bacilli, which allowed the differentiation of C. perfringens from B. cereus. India ink preparation of exudate from a gangrenous lesion showing encapsulated bacilli, which allowed the differentiation of C. perfringens from B. cereus. The smear was prepared by emulsifying fragments of necrotic tissue in India ink and smearing contents with another glass slide across the prepared slide. After drying, crystal violet was applied to the slide, and the slide was rinsed gently, air dried, and examined under oil immersion. Edward J. Bottone Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 2010; doi: /CMR

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