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2019-2020 Change to two lessons Lesson 1 – Protestant Opposition with flipped learning covering the content (+ puritan choir) Lesson 2 – Catholic Opposition.

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Presentation on theme: "2019-2020 Change to two lessons Lesson 1 – Protestant Opposition with flipped learning covering the content (+ puritan choir) Lesson 2 – Catholic Opposition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Change to two lessons Lesson 1 – Protestant Opposition with flipped learning covering the content (+ puritan choir) Lesson 2 – Catholic Opposition with flipped learning covering content (+Marian Bishops) Then do the motive bit at the end of this powerpoint – a third lesson that wraps everything up? Assessment lesson 4?

2 Starter

3 Flipped Learning Next lesson you will write an answer to the following question in timed conditions: ‘The Elizabethan religious settlement was successfully established in the years 1558 to 1603.’ Assess the validity of this view. You can bring half a sheet of (single-sided) A4 paper into the assessment.

4 Assess the validity of this view.
‘The Elizabethan religious settlement was successfully established in the years 1558 to 1603.’ Assess the validity of this view.

5 Assess the validity of this view.
‘The Elizabethan religious settlement was successfully established in the years 1558 to 1603.’ Assess the validity of this view. Peer or self assessment? Teacher assessment?

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